2009年12月31日 星期四

My idol---Jolin & Happy new year

Last night Angela, Luke, my husband and I were fun because we went to Taipei to enjoy a great concert. Know what? Who was playing the lead in the concert? Yes..........Jolin! She is the idol of young people include me. I love Jolin very much...........Why did Jay break up with her? Jolin is so perpect...she can sing and dance very well,not to mention her face and great shape!
Anyway, I love her song and dance....I'll always support Jolin.

Ok....It's 11 pm now and I will go to downtown for the countdown !
I want to take a monent and wish everyone a Happy new year!
Ha.......I wish Jay and Jolin get back together soon.
Happy New Year ~~~I love you!

2009年12月23日 星期三

Hong Kong Disneyland---2009/11/15

Our family went to Hong Kong Disneyland from Nov. 15th to 17th. Why did I choose these days? Because my sons and I all finished our mid-tern exam, besides I didn’t like crowded places during the holidays. When I stepped into the magical world of Disneyland, it’s mad the dreams of my childhood came true. That was an unforgettable experience in my life.

There are four parts at Disneyland.

First part, Fantasyland…
I was like kids when I stepped through the castle doors and immerse myself in the place where Disney stories came to life.
Here, you can meet a lot of Disney characters, like Mickey, Miney, snow white, goofy…
Here, you can also watch famous characters perform in Broadway-style musical shows.

Second part, Tomorrowland…
Oh…this was my sons’ favorite place, especially stitch encounter and autopia.
Stitch encounter is guests talk to the mischievous alien stitch. I thought this show really very funny. Because stitch just choose two persons to talk to, my son, selu, was very lucky that he had a chance to talk to stitch.
Talk about autopia… to be an autopia driver was very easy and my little son love it very much. He drove this car four times and I had to line up for the long lines four times too.

Next, Advnetureland…
I thought the jungle river cruise was very exciting. The funny skipper took us on a boat to explore the waters of the jungle and we would experience the primeval forests of the breathtaking trip.
At this land we also watched the festival show of the lion king. Amazing show! It’s worth watching.

Fourth part….Main street, u.s.a.
Disney’s main street is based on a typical American town and there are many store here. Told the truth, this was my favorite place. I love those souvenirs very much. They are really really very cute.
The scenes were beautiful so we stopped anywhere and took a lot of photos. This trip was very exciting and interesting. We bought lots of souvenirs and had a great time.
Ok…talk about food…
I want to introduce three foods.

There are many kinds of delicious and famous snacks in Hong Kong. Such as Shrimp dumplings, steamed rice rolls, steamed pork ribs and pastries. A restaurant for snakes, we call it “tea”. To eat snakes in the morning or lunch time is Hong Kong people’s daily routine habits. I love these foods very much whatever I was in Taiwan or Hong Kong.
Second, Roast food
Most people have tasted roast duck or goose included me. One new thing I got to try was the roast pigeon which is a popular food in HK. If you have never tried it, you’re really missing out some greasy food.

Soup can be said to mark HK ‘s traditional food culture. People drink different soups in different seasons and these soups are good for beauty and health. I ate a lot of soups there for beauty and my husband ate just for his health! I hope it worked.
To sum up, I ate a lot of food in HK and I guessed I have gained weight. That’s too bad!

2009年12月17日 星期四

My New Year’s resolution…

We will say goodbye to the year of 2009 and the New Year will come soon. A new year means a new chance to make changes and work on various aspects of life. New Year's Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past, and more importantly, forward to the coming year. My new year’s resolution is very simple.
First, Get healthy. This should be on the top of my list and everybody’s list. Because I have to work and study at the same time, I always stay up late every day, I think my immune system is not very well. So, it is my goal next year to take care of my body .To eat healthy, to get as much good sleep as I can, to exercise like parking at the far end of the parking lot and walk; take the stairs instead of the elevator. To know when to relax and when to push myself a little bit further.

Next, my new year’s resolution is to further improve my English and practice it as much as I possibly can. To be a good writer, I have to practice a lot although I have more than 70 pieces of writing on my English blog. Then, Read English newspapers and follow on current events. The last is to speak English as much as possible---with my friends, on Internet forums, or to myself. I wish that I could score 800 or higher on TOEIC before I graduate from Lunghwa.

Amber 98.12,9

Report...p.s I love you...

The movie begin….(Amber)
P.S. I Love You is a movie based on the novel of the same name by Cecelia Ahern. The film deals with Holly and Gerry, a happily married couple living in Manhattan. Holly and Gerry have their fair share of arguments, but there's no doubt the two are deeply in love. It starts with a fight, but you can see that these two are clearly in love and think the world of each other. That makes it all the more tragic when Gerry dies of a brain tumor and Holly must continue on without him. On her 30th birthday, a cake is delivered, and on it is a letter from Gerry…

With the help of the letters… (Ann)
Gerry knew he was going to die and decided to help his wife move on after his death. He takes Holly down memory lane and gives her advice through letters that all ending with the sign-off P.S. I Love You.Months after Gerry’s death, Holly receives a package of letters that he’s left for her, instructing her to perform a series of unexpected tasks. His letters bring Holly joy, anger and a lot of tears. And they do exactly what Gerry intended them to do. You will not only laugh with Holly and her friends, but also cry with them as they go through life’s changes together.

How did Holly do for her life begin again? (Angie)
Holly was through her year-long journey of following her husband’s plan.Dance, sing, take a vacation - all of Gerry's suggestions require Holly to get out of her house and reconnect with the world. Gerry arranges everything from fun nights out to a vacation to his homeland for his beloved wife. As she follows his instructions, Holly finds herself not only moving on but also opening up her heart to the possibility that there may just be another person out there who's worth sharing time with. Holly eventually enrolls in a fashion course and discovers she has a flair for designing women's shoes. A newfound self-confidence allows her to emerge from her solitude and embrace her friends' happiness.

To sum up…(Terry)By the end, Holly accomplishes more than what Gerry could have ever wished for. She experiences new things that she wouldn’t have done without his help, but also learns to do things on her own. A touching, heart-warming movie of grief, its many stages and how the one you love the most can prepare you for life after they’re gone. This movie makes out to be something different from the novel. But the way it is handled is unique and worth your viewing time. By the way, I had to say that the final song, by Flogging Molly, is also perfect for the movie and a great way to close the film

2009年12月7日 星期一

How to overcome a language problem

Problems are happening in everyday life. Life is filled with never-ending problems. We all experience different problems in working, family, relationships, children, society, etc. They just creep up everywhere in every area of our life. Now I have a lot of problems in my life especially in learning English. This is the story of why I should study English and the difficult process of learning English.
My husband is a businessman and he is starting a new business now. Besides, he is also a president-of-parent-association in my son’s primary school. Thus, his friends tell him that it is a good idea to open a cram school. That’s why we opened cram school last year. Maybe you don’t believe that I don’t have any experience in teaching. But I am a determinative person. Every time I decide to do something; I try to do it perfectly. First, I went to National Taipei University of Education to learn how to teach the primary school students on February, 2008. Next, I have learned English in Lunghwa University of Science and Technology since September 2008.
What are the difficulties for me in learning English? Because of my poor English, I feel upset at my enrollments. Frankly speaking, I really want to quit my study at that time. How to say that? First, I have much pressure in English class because I don’t understand what the teacher says. Second, I am poor in English gram, reading, writing and conversation. Especially, I feel nervous when I speak English in front of others. Third, I have to work, take care of my sons and study at the same time. I am really tired after finishing all these things. It is a big challenge to me.
Since I have to learn English for my job now, I try to solve my problems one by one. To be a good writer, I practice a lot. I have more than 70 pieces of writing on my English blog. Then, for improving my spelling, I practice writing the new vocabularies I learn from the computer. The last is to speak English as much as possible---with my friends, on Internet forums, or to myself. I study hard and stay up late every day. I have improved my English and I was No.4 in my class last semester. It is amazing. I really make it.
A proverbial saying, "Where there is a will, there is a way." It is true. “No pain; no gain.” I did overcome my problems in my life because I really try hard. It is worthy to spend time and money in my dream, I don’t know if I will be an English teacher in the future .However, I will try my best to make my dream come true and help kids who want to learn English well.

2009年11月25日 星期三

Tour in Disney Hong Kong

From November 15th to November 17th 2009, our family went to Disneyland Hong Kong. Why did I choose these days? Because my sons and I all finished our mid-tern exam, especially we didn’t like in crowed during holidays.
When you step into the magical world of Disneyland that it make childhood dreams come true. That's an unforgettable experience in my life.

Introducing a picture

Hello, everyone, I’m Amber!
Today I want to show you a picture about a live recording.
This picture about I went to TTV with my students for attend a live recording named Million Primary School six months ago. This was their first time to attend this kind activity so they were all excited on that day.

This program is about primary school knowledge that we learn before.
There were six special guests had to went on the stage and answer the questions!
The special was when the guest wanted to answer then the audiences had to shouted aaaa to confuse the guest. It was interesting!
I thought the questions were difficult to them. But it was not very shameful….
When we finished the recording …it’s over six hours! It was a long time.
We were so tired but we had a great time. Finally, I want to say I so proud of my students. Because they raised their hands and answered those questions right….
They are smart and brave. I love them!
Thank you for your listening!

2009年11月18日 星期三

Business English Conversation....

Emma (operator): Lung Wa International. May I help you?
Amber (Terry’s secretary): This is Amber speaking. Could you connect me to extension number 911?
Emma (operator): He is at a meeting now. Do you want me to transfer the phone to his assistant?
Amber (Terry’s secretary): Yes, please.
Emma (operator): Please hold on a second.
Ann (assistant): Hi, This is Ann speaking.
Amber (Terry’s secretary): Hi, This is Amber. My boss Mr. Terry would like to have an appointment with your manager Ken this Friday evening. Is he available on that time
Ann (assistant): Sorry, but he is not available. May we change another time for the meeting? How about next Monday afternoon?
Amber (Terry’s secretary): Sure! What time?
Ann (assistant): He is in the office at 3pm next Monday.
Amber (Terry’s secretary): No problem. My boss Terry will be there on time.
*** In Mr. Ken’s office***
Terry: Hi. I am Terry Chang, the sales manager. Nice to meet you.
Ken: Nice to meet you, too. How did you have the opportunity to come to Taiwan?
Terry: Well, I am on a business trip, visiting clients here and there.
Ken: How long are you staying in Taiwan for?
Terry: I am planning to visit all the clients, do some sight-seeing then return back to my country.
Ken: Are you familiar with Taiwan?
Terry: Not really but I have done some research on the internet before I came, so it should be ok.
Ken: If you need any help just let me know.
Terry: That's very polite of you! Thank you.
Ken: Oh yes! I heard that you've got some newly products?
Terry: Yes that's right! That's what I came for. You see, this the latest cell phone model.
Ken: It certainly looks very sophisticated.

*** After their meeting***

Ken: By the way, are you free tonight? How about having a dinner together?
Terry: Wow, that sounds great! Uhh…I think I have something else to do.
Ken: How about this weekend?
Terry: Let me check my schedule… Saturday night?
Ken: Sure, no problem. I’ll send a car to pick you up at seven and wait for you at the restaurant.
Terry: Ok! Thank you!

School uniforms?

An issue that is up for debate very often nowadays is whether a school should force students wear uniforms or not. More and more students don’t want to wear school uniforms anymore. They want to wear comfortable, beautiful and fashionable clothes. They don’t think students wear uniforms means that they are good students. Why does school must limit students wearing school uniforms? They want their right back! I believe that students should wear school uniforms everyday for four reasons.

First of all, according to TVBS News,” Over 75% educators insist that students have to wear uniforms to school.” And Dr. Chia-Tung Lee added, ”Needless to say, studying must be the first thing students consider.

Second, a huge benefit of wearing school uniforms is that students do not have to worry about what to wear every day. Students are all equal at school. No matter they come from rich or poor family. They only have one choice--- wearing uniforms. They do not need to spend much time in deciding what to wear.

Third, wearing school uniforms can also save a lot of money. The students are growing up fast no matter they are primary or senior high school students. Most of them have to change the size of clothes very often. Obviously, school uniforms are cheaper than own clothes. They don’t need to spend lots of money on buying expensive and name-brand clothes. Even the parents agree with it.

Finally, wearing school uniforms is safe for students. How to say that? Young students like to follow idols’ dress so they may wear skirts too short or shirts to low. Girls wear like that can be dangerous. Another important thing is if students wear uniforms; they dare not stay at cybercafé during school time.

However, students argue that wearing uniforms stifles creativity; it limits their freedom of personal expression. Also, many students complain that uniforms are ugly and not very comfortable. But, above those reasons, they should focus on studying because they are students. In brief, school is a place for learning and there is no doubt that wearing uniforms is good choice for students.

2009年11月8日 星期日

Describe a situation in which you have to push your limits.

Describe a situation in which you have to push your limits.
What was the situation?
Why was it challenging?
How did you feel?

Q: I think I have a lot of chances to push my limits.
How to say that? Because a man I married who is a businessman. Tell the truth, he really likes to start a new business. So I owned a cram school since last year.
Was it challenging?
To be sure, it was. You don’t believe it that I didn’t have the experience about teaching. Every time I choose to do something, I try to do it perfectly. When my husband and I wanted to start our second business, the first thing, I went to National Taipei University of Education to learn how to teaching the primary school students. Next, I studied English in LungWa. You know, I had to work and study at the same time…it’s very very tiring.
Since then, I have worked hard and studied hard every day. I go to bed very late every night because I have to study English and do my homework. Because of my poor English, do you believe that sometime I just sleep for three or four hours. In addition, I have two kids so I must spend a lot of time taking care of them. Although I am as a busy as a bee, I am proud of myself that I do everything well. First, my cram school has more than one hundred and fifteen students even though we have just started for one year. Second, my sons have a good score at their school. Third, I was No.4 in my class last semester. I know I push my limits for what I have mentioned above. It is clear I have overcome the challenge but I think that my immune system is not very well. My hands can’t do any housework.
If you ask me how I feel?
I would say that I learned a lot of things during the process of creating my own business. But, frankly speaking, if I had another chance I didn’t want to do this kind of business. I like children but it’s a really stressful field. If my students who have get hurt or get low scores, their parents will get angry. I am depressed because of some intangible pressure. Now, I don’t want to give myself too much pressure.No matter what happens in the future, I will try my best! As long as I try, that’s enough!

2009年10月26日 星期一

What is your favorite sport to watch? Why?

Q: What is your favorite sport to watch? Why?
A: I can play many kinds of sports so I like to watch sports on TV, too. Well, what’s my favorite sport to watch? As far as I am concerned, I like to watch basketball games very much. Why?
First, frankly specking, I think that basketball stars are all prefect. They are tall and handsome! So, I was crazy about basketball stars when I was a teenager! Ha…just like a lot of young girls like HBL stars nowadays!
Second, I think basketball is a normal and popular sport in Taiwan. Most boys know how to play it, even girls understand the rules. In fact, many players like to show some skills such as slam dunk, double pump, hook shot, three-point shot…etc. Don’t you think when they show these skills, they look really cool and powerful?

Third, basketball is an exciting sport. As I love to watch NBA since young, I like everything about basketball, from the Big Bird, Magic Johnson of Lakes, Abdul-Jabbar hook, Michael Jordan of the Bull dynasty in the early days, to KOBE of Peter Pan. How magical they are.

Have you ever seen the NBA grand final? Trust me…it is so exciting! Then, you will know why basketball is my favorite sport to watch.

2009年10月20日 星期二

Book presention---Twilight

Good evening everyone,
Today we want to introduce a forbid and heartbreaking love story…
Bella is a transferred student to Forks and this where her life truly begins. She meets a strong, beauty, pale skin, eyes that shift color and danger man, Edward, who is a vampire. Most humans would just keep away from him, but Edward and Bella have fallen in love with each other. A girl can dream. What is Bella’s dream about? Being a monster? Mostly her dream about being with Edward forever! Next, we will tell you something about Edward and then you will know how prefect Edward is! But you will know he just a dream to girls.
The issue......
Edward, he was a vampire but he’s different from generic vampire legend, no problem with sunlight, crosses, garlic, holy water, etc…
He doesn’t have fangs but his teeth flash and white. He can go out in the sunlight, and dazzling diamond-like glittering in the skin, he doesn’t burn to a cinder. He doesn’t sleep in coffin because he doesn’t sleep. His house is not a coffin but a huge house.
Edward who is beauty, talented, powerful, rich, gorgeous, ability to read minds, almost as nothing less than the perfect man. We think that every boy will want to be Edward and every girl is hard not to full in with Edward.
If I were a girl, maybe I will do the same things crazy and love to Edward; like what my other team members did.
Hey~ Girls…. wake up~ don’t fall into the author trap. In our opinion, why Edward so popular by every girls, Cause of he is so perfect and could not find the same guy in the real life. It is easy to make satisfied for girls dreaming. and why use vampire subject to be the story main part with lovely love. It is should be unreachable in our common sense and so cruelly.
However, the author makes it easy and naturally. Appeal to most reader, especially girls.
After a long reading on twilight, we got one agreement, which was that the leading character, Edward, is too perfect to be a vampire. He has the look of a teenager with mature behavior, brainy but strong and powerful. Especially, he plays the piano. Aren't Mr. Right we are looking for just like him?
Nevertheless, Edward is too attractive so that we know he isn’t real in our society. The author created a dreamy vampire idol with no disadvantages that affected teenagers’ concept of love. Based on the point of education issue, we all doubt about it. Affected by the story, girls might look for ideal love and be willing to be sacrificed even though it takes risks in their life.
It seems like being a vampire’s woman is hit now!! But hey, girls! Edward is perfect; however, he is just a dream!

2009年10月15日 星期四

Writing---television programs not worth watching

Television programs are not worth watching! How to say that? As far as I am concerned, I can do without TV programs. As I am a mother and a cram school teacher so I know watching TV programs really bring a lot of adverse effects.
First, watching TV may hurt your eyes. The doctor says if we watch TV over thirty minutes without rest and it may hurt your eyes! So, more and more children have nearsightedness even if they haven’t gone to prime school yet! Second, TV programs have a lot of violence and sexy! Do you choose the TV programs for your kids or accompany them when they are watching? If the answer is not…Just far away the TV programs! Third, too many idol shows on TV now. Some of programs are misleading. Girls have daydreams and just crazy about these idols or groups. They don’t care about studying just want to follow the stars.
To sum up, above three reasons so it is not worth spending time on watching television programs! Just leave sofa and turn off television programs then you will get more time to sleep or do something wroth. It is not helpful to us to watching TV!

2009年10月8日 星期四


What's new now? What's in recently? Yes...Facebook!

Facebook is the world’s largest social network, with over 250 million users.
Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004, initially as an exclusive network for Harvard students. Zuckerberg immediately recruited his friends Dustin Moskowitz and Chris Hughes to help build Facebook, and within four months, Facebook added 30 more college networks. The original idea for the term Facebook came from Zuckerberg’s high school (Phillips Exeter Academy). The Exeter Face Book was passed around to every student as a way for students to get to know their classmates for the following year. It was a physical paper book until Zuckerberg brought it to the internet.
That's great idea I think! Facebook is really popular...Almost of my friends have join this account include me! Although I don't know how to do in Facebook...I think it's interesting! Just for 2 days and then I have 25 friends...WOW...I don't know that making friends is so easy...just use your fingers!! Ha...ha! When I first joined Facebook I had no idea whatsoever where anything was or what I was doing. Now I don't know how to use this well but I love join it...Maybe add Facebook can let me feel that I am young! By the way, I know my friends love playing happy harvest but I just love playing the psychological test in Facebook...sometime I am very surprised the outcome!

For short, Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life. Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, share links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.
So....add me to be your friends!!

2009年10月7日 星期三


This semester I have a team report with my classmates. We have to read a novel named "Twilight". I have seen this movie before... Tell the truth, I like that! Really! Really! Edward's hot. That makes everything better. I knew a lot of people didn't like this movie and novel. They said they were not worth watching and reading. But I don't think so...maybe we all forgot our first love....Remember that? We always cared about and did evevything for he or she no matter how crazy...just like Edward anad Bella!

This story was...Bella Swan was not expecting anything out of the ordinary to happen when she moved to live with her Dad in Forks, Washington. But this where her life truly begins. There she meets Edward Cullen, a mysterious and captivating student at her new high school. Bella soon discovers that Edward is hiding a secret, after he impossibly saves her life from a van with his super-human strength and speed. She is determined to unravel his secret, but the truth is more terrifying than she realized. Edward is a vampire. Any normal person would just keep away from him, but Edward and Bella have fallen passionately and unconditionally in love with each other. And so begins their forbidden relationship between a human and a vampire. But the young lovers soon discover that their troubles are only just about to begin.

However people leave a lot of horrible comments about this film or novel. I love them...especially this movie...the acting and music are great! No other actor I think can play Edward better...just a thought. I think Robert Pattison was the best choice for the role. His exquitely classic good looks and sharp, lines of his face make him the perfect Edward!!! Don't you think that Rob and Kristen who have a good looking... Someone say that they are really falling in love . I don't know... it would be cool if kristen and rob were together.
By the way , do you think that we have vampires in the world?
If they are real ...Do you want to be their friends even girl or boy firend?

2009年8月9日 星期日

Happy Father's Day

We held a dinner party to celebrate the Fatyer's Day yesterday.
Even though Typhoon Morakot was coming, all my family member were present at. I thought my father was very happy. How come? My younger brother got a good job two month ago...so my father didn't worry about his son's job anymore! My father facial expression made me happy....

I really appreciated my father. To be honest, he is my stepfather. Although he is not my birth father...he took care my mom , my sisters and me. How to describe he? He looks very strict...I remembered my mom told me that our neighbors were afraid of him. Ha...Ha... I rarely talk to him! We don't talk to each other...but I like him. He was a veteran so he do everything methodically... Such as he get up at five and goes to bed at nine every day! I admire him for his abiding habit. He didn't have a good education ...I was really surprised he could have rich knowledge. Maybe he is a strict person but he is responsible. I thought he was really happy on Father's Day this year...I gave a big red envelop to him...Happy Father's Day!!! Thank you vrey much....I love you!!!

Ummm...Yesterday was my husband's holiday! He was very happy because my sons and I bought shirts and a tie for him! He is a hardworker...and a good father,too! Although he is busy, he drive kids to school everyday. He always says whatever he is busy, he just wants to eat dinner with us. My friends don't believe that he is a good father... They think he is busy and fun-loving !! How can he improve his image? Ha....Ha...
I appreciated him! He seems like Superman who can do everything. Thank you!
By the way...we saw a great movie named "UP" yesterday...I envied that their sweet relationship from contented marriage to old age.

Finally, I want to say somthing about Typhoon Morakot. We got two days off due to Typhoon Morakot. When I was young I liked typhoon, because I didn't have to go to school on that day. But I don't really like typhoon now...it always cause mudflows and landslides so many people will be homeless and have great damage.
I pray for south Taiwan.

2009年8月3日 星期一

The reader

I saw a great movie named "The reader" (為愛朗讀)yesterday. It based on the best-selling novel. First off, let me start by saying I never read the book, or know it existed before seeing this movie.It is not about a love story, though there is a beautiful, sexy love story depicted in it. It is about the transformative power of art, in particular, in this case, literature. I saw the other movie "Revolutionary Road"(真愛旅程) that Kate Winslet palyed lately...But I love "The reader" more. What an amazing career for Kate Winslet...So, I am not surprised that she win the Academy Award best actress.

This story begin a teenage Michael gets off because he is feeling sick and wanders around the streets afterwards, finally pausing in the entryway of a nearby apartment building where he vomits. Hanna Schmitz, the tram conductor, comes in and assists him in returning home. The 36 year old Hanna seduces and begins an affair with the 15 year old boy. During their liaisons, at her apartment, he reads to her literary works he is studying. After a bicycling trip, Hanna learns she is being promoted to a clerical job at the tram company. She abruptly moves without leaving a trace. The adult Michael, a lawyer, at Heidelberg University law school in 1966. As part of a special seminar taught by Professor Rohl, a camp survivor, he observes a trial of several women who were accused of letting 300 Jewish women die in a burning church when they were SS guards on the death march following the 1944 evacuation of Auschwitz. Hanna is one of the defendants. Stunned, Michael visits a former camp himself. The trial divides the seminar, with one student angrily saying there is nothing to be learned from it other than that evil acts occurred and that the older generation of Germans should kill themselves for their failure to act then. But Michael is conflicted on what to do, if to speak out on Hannah's behalf on some of her innocence. Is that Hanna's want? Maybe she just wnats to keep her secret...she is a illiterate person!!!

So, if someone love you and he or she's twice your age... First, Do you accept? Second, Do you forgive him or her even if you are also deeply affected after breaking up with you. However, after several years these feelings still hurt you and suddenly discovered that he or she was an executioner, and you make her testimony against life imprisonment, are you, what to do? Another qutstion that I don't understand why Hanna kill herself? Maybe she think that Michael still loving her so that he sent tapes to her. Finally, she is very disappointed and hopeless. She know that it is too late and their love is over! I think Michael is a good man. He wants to help Hanna who become older and ugly!! Everyone know men who like young and sexy women...right? And someone say men's loyalty to women never wavered....That's right!!!
Whatever how old men are... they like sisters...正妹.辣妹. 學生妹.傳播妹.酒店妹.巨乳妹.無敵珊寶妹...........

Overall, watch this film for the effects of past-WWII on the people left behind, to appreciate the changing years and landscape of Germany and most of all to experience award-worthy Kate Winslet, David Kross & Ralph Fiennes acting skills. Umm...I tell about the WWII and I want to recommend another movie... Valkyrie(行動代號:華爾奇麗雅)!It's much better than I think and It's worth seening this movie.

I found a comment about this movie and I like it. I posted it below..

鐵達尼號的 Rose 終於一嘗宿願,以 The Reader 一片拿下今年的奧斯卡最佳女主角,不得不說凱特溫斯蕾挑劇本的用心。這部片的原著是第一本被歐普拉選書納入的外文小說,在德國以及世界都有廣大的讀者。作者是德國法官Bernhard Schlink徐林克,從一個法律系學生的角度旁聽納粹戰犯的審判的故事。

2009年8月1日 星期六

Bid Money...

Why I tell about this topic? Because I join the Bnak SinoPac's "MMA Bid Money Online Service"
Money bidding is a special financial tool developed exclusively in the Chinese society as it represents the wisdom of Chinese people.

"MMA Bid Money On-line Service" successfully incorporates the essence of old wisdom and modern technology, making loan bidding a patented and marketable financial product."MMA Bid Money On-line Service" gives younger generation a chance to participate in loan bidding helping them to accumulate their first bucket of wealth from small savings, further more to enable them to start their own personal investment.

Maybe someone say to join the "Bid money Online Service" that is fall behind and eliminated from the manage financial tool gradually. Because people migrate frequently and society's urbanization … Therefore, the modern bid money environment was different. In the past, the member are neithborhood or the relatives and friends. Now, "MMA Bid Money On-line Service" not consisted mostly of women ...I see a lot of men join this Online Service... If you can surf the Internet and have an bank account...you can bid money and check your statement whatever where you are. It is very convenient. Maybe we don't know each other but this way is safe and save time.

I know many people who don't like this tool to manage their money...especially old people. Because it has high risk. Maybe it is true..But...If you think that everyone can join this "MMA Bid Money On-line Service" ....You are wrong!!! First, bank will check your financial situation. As I know this bank is very conservative...so, it examined your finance and your credit rigidly. Trust me...it is not very easy!!! Bank SinoPac's role is credit checking and credit limit controlling, mitigating the risk involved in such traditional means of financial mechanism, whilst retaining the valuable tradition.

The saving and investing renaissance movement has been triggered by the launch of "MMA Bid Money On-line Service." The spirit of such service, "I can help others; others can help me,"each and every market participants help themselves and others. I know it is not a high return for me to manage money. I force myself to save money...I try the new way to manage my money! To learn more about managing my money is my hobby.

Bank SinoPac:https://www.bidmoney.com.tw/bid/servlet/HttpDispatcher/Home/homePrompt?newTxRequest=true

2009年7月30日 星期四


I hate summer.
It is hot and humid. So, I usually feel very uncomfortable during the summer. I don't like to be all sweaty. That's wonderful that I don't have school in the summer. Thank God!
Why I hate summer? First, you know...I am a little of fat. So, the sexy clothes such as tank top or halter don't fit me....That's too bad! I wish that I could lose a little bit more weight.....especially face and my thighs. Second, if I go out in the morning, I have to wear the long-sleeved shirt to protect my skin from sun. Maybe you think that I want myself to look white... No! I don't know since when I can not get sun for half hour...If I do that, I will break out a rash. That's too terrible.

However, I hate summer... I really enjoy swimming. It's such a nice feeling to jump into the water on a hot summer day. Because I don't like to go swimming in the winter...that's too cold. Talk about swimming... I have to say I really like to see the beach. It's a vast ocean gives me that feeling of being free. Usually, I will have a good mood after going to the beach. That's just a problem...when you go to the beach, you get sand all in your shoes and all in your hair...It's really uncomfortable. Sigh................but my sons like to play at the water theme park. How can I do? Although my skin is very sensitive and allergic to the ultraviolet, surely...I will go with them. I will do anything for my sons!!! Mommy loves you! Ha....Ha.....As you can see the picture above..., I like to eat ice cream and watermelon in the summer.

There are many pretty and skinny girls in the beach....When will I wear bikini?
By the way, do you have any special ways to lose weight? If there is any quick way to lose weight, please tell me! My cell phone number is 0910123123. Thank you very much!!!

2009年7月29日 星期三

Korean version of Meteor Garden

As I told you before...I watched TV shows very much on my summer vacation. I saw this DVD just for three days....tired! I thought most of young people knew "Meteor Garden" especially F4. I hadn't seen the Taiwan version of Meteor Garden...but I knew Taiwan's F4 who were very famous in Asia. From TV to MTV,F4 were hot group. There are four handsome young men: Vic Zhou,Jerry YAN,Vanness Wu,and Ken Zhu. They act,sing,and dance.Fans all over Asia love them!F4 became famous with a TV show:Meteor Garden.The idea came from a Japanese comic book.

Korean version of the New F4, Kim Bum, Kim Hyun Joong, Lee Min Ho and Kim Joon. With Koo Hye Sun as Geum Jan Di, the female lead character.
The story centers on a plain and poor teenage girl called 金絲草(Shan Cai), who went to 神話高中 for rich people, forced upon her by her parents. The school was dominated by a gang of handsome but arrogant students called F4, who were the heirs of the most influential families in Korean.
In the beginning, 具俊表(Dao Ming Si), the gang leader, hated 金絲草 so much that he made everyone in the school played tricks on her. However, 金絲草i's persistence gradually gained 具俊表's respect and later he fell in love with her. Like many other TV series, the lovers end up getting together after going through a series of painful challenges.

I loved 尹智厚(Hua Ze Lei) very much. 尹智厚 - the quiet one in F4. He was the kindest one out of the four and was a very good friend. His first love interest was 書賢 but they had no good ending. In the middle of the series, he fell for 金絲草 but remained a good friend because he knew that 具俊表 really loved 金絲草. He always stayed with 金絲草 when she was very upset. He always supported to 金絲草...

This was a modern Cinderella story. How romantic! This story unfolded and the love triangles tangle, a story of love, hate, sorrow, comedy, and passion took over the audiences' emotions. Sometime, this kind of drama that about rish man and poor woman's love story attracted audiences. So did I. A question...Do you thing that a marrage or love should be between families of equal social rank? If it isn't, what will you do? Give up or hang in there? I saw the news and I had no idea why the young woman wanted to marry 孫爸爸? True love????
Ok,,,forgot it! Taiwan, Japan, Korean 'Meteor Garden...if you asked me which one was good to see? I had to say that I personally really liked the Korean version!!

2009年7月28日 星期二

Gossip Girl

I don't have time to watch TV.
But......I spend all day long watching TV on my summer vacation. What is my favorite programs? Hmmmm... I think it's idol drama. I know I am so childish...
Grow up!? I don't know...It's me! Ok, that's talk about "Gossip Girl".

Gossip Girl is based around the set of books by the same name.
The show revolves around the lives of socialite young adults growing up on New York's Upper East Side. They attend elite academic institutions while dealing with sex, drugs, and your basic fun, dramatic, dangerous teenage issues.

Featuring an ensemble cast, the series mainly centers around the lives of former best friends, Serena van der Woodsen (Blake Lively) and Blair Waldorf (Leighton Meester). These two share a love interests in Nate Archibald (Chace Crawford).
As outsiders looking in, Dan (Penn Badgley) and Jenny Humphrey (Taylor Momsen) don't run in the same social or financial circles as their peers - but are drawn into their lives nonetheless. If that sounds similar to The OC, you won't be surprised to learn that OC creator Josh Schwartz is also behind Gossip Girl.

I know someone say...."Don't let your kids watch this........."
They say... Many teenage girls are watching this show and getting the wrong ideas about life from it. This show is so trashy, even the commercials are filled with stuff. There is no way shows like this can have a positive effect on teenagers.
But,the show also touches on a lot of things that happen in real life: Eating Disorders, Partying, Drugs, Drinking, Sex. All of it happens. We can understand what the teenagers are thinking. You will know they use cell phone and blog very often. There are parts of their life.
I'm not one of those girls that likes fashion shows and chick-flicks, yet I love this show.
I just love this show for that characters... I think Serena who is very beautiful and sexy!!
Do you know what the "XOXO" mean? Hugs and Kisses.

Emma's Birthday Party

I love birthday party because it brings joyful to everyone.
Last Satursday we held a birthday party for Emma.
At first, I didn't know where to hold the party.... I surfed the Internet and wanted to choose the pub that was very specially. Then, I decided to hold Emma's Birthday Party in Wakiki in Taoyuan. Because there was a live band to perform and maybe it could create a joyous mood.

The party started around 10:00pm when most of our classmates arrived. We ate food and drank there. Then, we played games that called boasting . I could not play games that about gamble. Ha...but,I was not the loser on that time. Around 11:20pm, it was the live band's show t ime. After they sang three songs, they played the birthday song's music and the waiter sent a cake in front of the stage. The male singer who was the host was very funny. He asked Emma went to the stage and sang a birthday song to her. When Jun gave a bundle of rose to Emma, the host asked Jun to go up the stage. Then, the host asked them took hands and wanted them to kiss...Emma and Jun were very shy...of course, they didn't do anything........Ha!
Emma blew the candles and made three wishes. What's the number on the cake?

About 12:30pm we went to Party World to sing. I like to go to KTV, it is very cool and it can bring together and add interaction to all my friends. We can play, sing, dance, drink....That's have a lot of fun there. Ha.........I think I have strayed from the topic. Sorry! I liked to go to KTV with Emma because she could sing a lot of songs well. She is good at singing. Maybe you don't know... most of our classmates are good at singing. Like....Emma, Irene, Luke, Ken, Kelvin, Ann, Angela, Marisa....
We sang until 3:40am......This was really an unforgettable birthday party, I thought. After my husband and me droved Emma home, my husband invited me to have a food massage...Wow, I was going to cry....this was a good idea! My husband always knew what I thought.

Emma...may joy and happiness fill every minute of your day, and may life is most fantastic things always come your way.
Happy Birthday to you!

2009年7月27日 星期一

No. 4 in my class

When I went to Lungwa to study English... There is no time to relax and enjoy myself. I often ask myself why I study hard. I know if I go to school and have exams...I will get a lot of stress because of exams. Told truth, in the psst I was very care about the grade. So, I did very well on every test. I was very proud that I graduated with the first place honor from the Chungyu college of Intrenational Trade and Lungwa university of Finance. These were very difficult to do that ...you had to be No.1 in the class in the mid-term exam and final exam. Even though you had to have good scores in evey quizzes.

I got a B.A. degree in finance form LungWa university. I knew my English was very bad and I wanted to improve my English ability...so,why I am writeing essay in English in my blog now. I always spend a lot of time on English writing...but I got lower score in this semester...I felt so sad...I had to spend over 2 hours if I did my English writing...That's ok! I will do my best next semester.

Now...I am very worry about next semester. Because I have three subjects that the teacher is Howard. I don't know how to handle these subjects easy...Can I study well under pressure? Teacher Howard.. how could I do to pass your subjects next semester?
Can I study three subjects in the same time? Or I have to quit one subject...
Maybe I need a coin...Heads or tails?

Finally, I will say thank for my classmates...Irene, Belinda, Ann, Emma, Terry...
you did me a great favor....thank you! By the way, I owe Irene a meal...because we had a bet on this final exam...we competed with every subject's score...Maybe I overrate my own abilitise. But I thought it was worth to try. I was No.7 in class last semester but I was No.4 this semester. Wow...my grade had improved....I really want my English ability as well as my grade.

2009年7月13日 星期一

Vacation in Tainan and Kaohsiung

Have you considered going to see Tainan? It's on way to Kaohsiung and it's worth visiting.
Do you know why I choose Tainan? Of course, I have
never been there before and it's quite famous for its food . I didn't remember who did this presentation in the class last term...it's on Identity final presentation. But I remembered the subject was night market culture and someone introduced the biggest night market in Taiwan named garden night market.

As you could see this photo that I took a picture there. Tell about food....the most famous food in Tainan is called coffin. I think it's very strange...Taiwanese don't like to hear about death or anything like that, right? Why it can become famous food? Although I am Taiwanese, I prefer to eat French toast.

I ate a lot of foods in garden night market and you could not believe it, I bought many foods to hotel. My husband and I had food massage in our room. We knew that after foot massaged we would watch TV all night.... ha......so we bought many foods and beers for our night snake. My husband and I liked to wathch TV all night during our vacation. How come? Because we didn't have cable in my house. I like 具俊表.... he is so handsome.

Next day, we went to Anping and wanted to eat the famous food ...shrimp roll. Wa...there was a crowd of people and you had to line up and waited for half hour.... Good to eat? I didn't think so. I thought Dan-Tsu Noodles was good. I ate a lot of foods in Tainan....I had to lose weight.
Third day, we went to Kaohsiung....I had been to Kaohsiung for five times...nothing specail. We went Blue Lagoon to play in water. Both of my sons liked to make fun on playing water....so they said they wanted to come here next week?! Next week? Is it possible?

Hennessy Artistry

I went a concert named Hennessy Artistry last month. Yes..., as you saw, if you ever drunk wine that you will know it's a wine brand...Hennessy V.S.O.P. Hennessy V.S.O.P used Global Art of Mixing that held a lot of Hennessy Artistry, they made different subjects and invited the hit singers to present their represent Hennessy Mix drinks.

My husband had two VIP tickets and I just finished my final exam...told the turth I really wanted to relax! I was very excited because I like A-mei very much. Really....I like to listen to her songs....but I can not sing her song very well...that is too bad. Anyway, I went to Taipei and supported my idol....

The show started remix music by DJ Havana Brown who is very beautiful and sexy. The host said she is a very famous DJ in Australia. If you always go to pub maybe you will know her. But, you know I alway stay home and do my housework every day....ha..I know it's not funny.
Then, Jam's turned to sing....Do you know who Jam is ? His Chinese name is 蕭敬騰. I thought that a lot of girls liked him....because girls screamed when Jam sang and smiled... My god!
OK....when I saw the white microphone holder...I knew that it was A-mei's show time. A-mei changed her name to A-mit. A-mit meant Amei-music is transformed. A-mit just sing for live, just live for music. She want to be herself and she want to sing that songs she want to sing. I could listen to A-mit sang live and drank at the same time....It was very enjoyment. I thought A-mit was so Q... she wanted us who had a glass of wine in hand to bottoms up.
Of course, I did.....Hennessy V.S.O.P was good good to drink.

2009年6月29日 星期一

Social Customs in Taiwan

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. If we enter a country, follow the customs. Like many countries, the Taiwanese have their own customs, they will of course, often pardon foreigners who make social mistakes. However, no one wants to do the wrong thing and offend people by mistake so it is well to understand some of the important social ideas and its meaning in Taiwan.

For an example, Taiwan is a place where people often give gifts. We can be given on many different occasions not just birthday. In Chinese New Year, children are given gifts of money. In the weddings, the happy couple is also given money. Money is given in red envelops as red is thought of as the color of good fortune. However, you must not give certain numbers about 4 as this is the number of death. In the West, it used to be that people avoided the number 13. In Taiwan, many people avoid the number 4. Even today, hospitals in Taiwan have no fourth floor. Some people don’t like the car number and cell phone number as 4, too.

For other example, in our culture, having lots of food symbolizes abundance for the New Year during the Chinese New Year. If a foreigner have a Chinese New Year dinner with you, you should tell him that we can't eat all of them. Leaving some on the plate means that we'll have more than enough in the New Year.

Today, perhaps not many young people believe in the old ideas about good and bad fortune, etc. But I think I would follow the old traditions. As I said before, whether though people believe the old ideas or not, we should tell the foreigners about that. We all might respect our customs.

Why Confucianism had such an enduring influence?

Confucius was the greatest Chinese philosopher. He wanted to develop a way for people to connect with each other so that society could be peaceful. I think that he lived at a time when there were many wars, so it is not surprising he tried to develop a peaceful society. He thought that the wisest man is the best man and so should be the ruler. In my opinion, there are two reasons why Confucianism had such an enduring influence.

First, two cornerstones of Confucius system of personal conduct were Jen and Li. He believed that a man should strive after truth and virtue rather than wealth. Only the personal behavior fit the moral standard, the society can be stable.

Second, Confucius emphsized the strict rules and order of Li. He wanted society to have a stable structure. The Emperor would be at the top, then the nobles would be at the middle, the common people would be at the bottom. Within families the father would be at the top, then wife, then the eldest son and so forth. Besides, Confucius believed that respect and obedience are owed by children to their parents, by wives to their husbands, and by subjects to their rulers.

Everyone wouldn't cross the line under the structure, and therefore the society became peaceble and people became safe and stable.To sum up, both of rulers and common people like stable structure. Why Confucianism had such an enduring influence? His important ideas were gathered together into a book, the Analects, which were compiled by his disciples. Only such a book which is about studying, music and friendship, met the legitimate ism, could pass down to now.

2009年6月15日 星期一

Humor is a way for people to socialize

The psychologist, Freud said, “Human being is such kind of animal that pursues happiness.” All human beings like things which make them laugh and happy, but not things which are about crying, pain or miserable. We all hope to be with someone has sense of humor. As a consequence, the man with sense of humor and wit is always popular. To know how to being optimistic and humorous can improve our iinterpersonal relationship, and it also makes others to be intimate with us.

Why most women like to date with humorous men? That is because women don’t need to figure out the topics and humorous men can make them laugh. Here is an example, I work in a cram school and I have to chat with many kinds of parents. Mostly, humor is the best way for me to socialize with them. And for other example, my husband is a business person, he also need to socialize with a lot of people, so he always use his sense of humor to bond with each other. Most important of all, humorous can not only socialize with others, but also lubricate the tense relationships between colleagues.

To sum up, why humorous TV shows are really popular? I guess our society likes to laugh. Like me …I think I am a sociable kind of person; I think people can not stay out the social life. I would rather be a person with smiling than with a cold heart.

Simpsons Movie Comment

I thought the movie was very funny. Although I have not watched the series before but I still enjoyed it. And I was laughing throughout the movie. I thought the Simpsons movie wants to convey four issues:

First, this movie wants to entertain audience in an ironic way. The opening showed that Homer said “ I can’t believe we’re paying to see something we get on TV for free. IF you ask me, everybody in this theater is a giant sucker.” And they mocked some classic movies, such as Titanic. This opening it shows director that want to make a joke to movie industry

Second, this movie shows how people are really cold about others. Green Day has been playing for three and a half hours then they would like just a minute of time to say something about environment. At that time there is a deathly silence, followed by huge boos from springfieldians. They start throwing things at Green Day. This part present people are indifferent and don’t like to be lectured, they won’t care about anything unless it happens to themselves.

Next, it shows the decision process of the U.S government is so rough and it jokes about the voters. There are one plot about President Schwarzenegger that me.
When Russ Cargill wants the President Schwarzenegger to make a choice, then President Schwarzenegger doesn’t want to read them first and just pick.
And he says I was elected to “lead not to read.”…

The last, this movie shows the family relationship. Especially when Homer lay in the heart - shaped ice and then it breaks. After a strong struggle, he’s finally back to springfield. It presents he cared about his wife and his family. To sum up, this movie conveys issues about environment, family, movie industry, religion, and politic. Althouth these issues are very serious, the director uses the humor way to present his idea. I like the way it presents and I think the director and script writer are genius. We all know the pollution is very serious nowadays, but if someone wants you to see movie about environmental protection, will you choose the humor way like this movie or just like An Inconvenient Truth? My answer is the latter.

2009年6月3日 星期三

Dragon Boat Festival

Last Thursday was the Dragon Boat Festival, we went back Keelung and had lunch with my family....After we ate rice dumplings I said a story to children about this festival....On rainy spring day, Lady White and Lady Green were walking along river. They met a handsome scholar,Xu Xian. Lady White and Xu fell in love at first sight....and soon they got married and opened a very successful herb store. For a while their life together was happy....

Howerer, one day a monk with one eyebrow, Fahai, said to Xu, " you are in dagner. Your wife is a one-thousand-year-old snake!" Xu didn't believe him. Fahai told Xu to follow one simple Chinese custom. This way, Xu could see his wife as a snake. "Today is Dragon Boat Fesstival....It's a custom to drink wine mixed with realgar". And the smell of realgar kept them away. " Have Lady White drink some and you will see for yourself," Fahai said. Xu replied, "I don't believe you. But I'll have her drink some just to show you that you are wrong."

Then...This part was very touching,,,
Lady White knew she should not drink the wine with realgar. However, she did it out of her love for Xu. So...for sure she temporarily turned into a giant white snake....Although Xu knew the fact ...he said " I don't care if you are a snake. I still love you". I thought it like another movie named Painted Skin. They were both touching and remantic....If I were Lady White I would do the some thing like her... I would do everything for my love!

2009年5月30日 星期六

Million Primary School

Our cram school went to Taipei and attend the live recording of the Million Primary School TV program. Our students was very excited on that day. We got Taipei at twelve o'clock. It was almost one c'clock when we entered the film studio. There was some workers arranged the seat and taught us how to cooperate to get the live recording done quickly. If we didn't cooperate to them, maybe we should recording again and atain.

At two o'clock...the host 張小燕 came in and started the recording. There were six special guests there and they had to appear on the stage. Were they smart? I thought the questions were difficult to them. But it was not very shameful. I had to say they were very thin....No wonder performers wanted to lose weight especially models and female stars. Oh!By the way....One of the guests named 郭采潔....her Englisg name is Amber...wow...Both of us are beatiful women...ha! ha! ha!!

We finished the recording...it was six o'clock! It was a long time. We were very tried and hungry when we got Taoyuan. But I asked our students if you had chance did you want to attend the live recording again....Wow.....they said yes.....yes.....Did you believe ? I thought I need some of Paolyta Bullwild energy drink....

A special experience

It was a special experience .....
My husband and I went to The Westin Taipei and joined the Remy
Remy Martin's Opening Party. I ate a big dinner and saw a lot of beautiful models there. To come back to the subject...Rémy Martin is a cognac (a brandy from the Cognac region of France) and champagne cognac (a brandy from the tiny Champagne Cognac region of France) originally produced by Rémy Martin, a French winemaker, who founded the company in 1724. It is now owned by Rémy Cointreau, a company founded in 1991.

Although I didn't know about all brands of the Remy Martin... I think Remy Martin V.S.O.P and XO are good to drink.
And this summer the IN drink is REMY MIX, that bartender just use the high-class REMY MARTIN Fine Champagne Cognacm mix the simple soft drink such as green tea, ornage juice, soda water... they are very good to drink. Ha....sometimes my husnand and I have a drink in the pub or just at home...we just want to relax and I think it is remantic. The important thing is we don't drink like a fish...

Remember it....we shouldn't drink and drive.

2009年5月13日 星期三

shopping habits of men and women....

Going shopping is a fond dream for females, while it is a nightmare for males. Most of women have this experience…If they want to go shopping with their boyfriend or husband that always get a negative respond. So we know we have different purchase behavior between men and women. Do you know why? Take “pants purchasing” as an example. Both men and women would like to buy a pair of pants, and the procedures they do are totally different. Men make a plan in their minds -where to buy and what sort of pants they need before their shopping. Maybe it takes them under half hour to finish buying a pair of pants. On contrast, women enjoy going one shop to another even thought they have known what they wanted and got the goods already. After buying that, they think they need a T-shirt to match the new pants. They spend almost all afternoon purchasing “a” pair of pants. For another example, sometimes women go shopping just because they want to bargain. They like to take the advantages from sellers. They want to have a special discount when they buy more. Even though when they back home and regret that to go shopping over their budget. Next time they will do the same thing again. Ha……..such as me! On the other hand, Men are very straightforward. They always buy what they need and don’t like to bargain. So, men don’t understand why need to care about that small discount. Nevertheless, women like to bargain, women like to go shopping than men. To sum up, the shopping habits of men and women are totally different in nature. I think that's why people usually say it is much easier to earn money from women.

2009年5月11日 星期一

Mother's Day.......

Yesterday was Mother's Day...
But I had to go to Lungwa....It was too bad. My family had a big lunch in a famous restaurant to celebrate my mother. Although I could not come I gave my mother a big gift. I put twenty thousand dollar in a red enevlope and I hoped She would like it. I really wanted to say thank you to her! I knew that she grew me up and it was very hard. "Thank you very much for all your love and support throughout my life. I love you................. thank you again again..... my mom!"
I am a mother now...and this was my holiday...so my husband and me had a date without my children....ha! After my class, we went to Taipei and ate dinner in the Din Tai Fung. We order steamed pork dumplings,sugar pea shoot, hot-and-sour soup, pickled cabbage,shrimp and pork shao -mai...It really delicious...so there was a lot of Japanese like to eat here.
After eating, we went to VIESHOW CINEMAS. We saw a action movie named X-Men origins:Wolverine... It was very good to see...and Hugh Jackman had a strong body I thought.
Anyway I had a good time and thank you for my husband. He always do everythings for me and give me surprised!!

2009年5月7日 星期四

JU Percussion Music Part II

This is my second son...he studies percussion music with his brother every Friday.
He started his percussion from happy class when he was four years old. Now he finish his children class. Wow...do you know it about three years....
On that day I took him to hair salon and let the hair designer to set my son's hair. After hair setting and I asked my son ... would you like your hairstyle? But he didn't like his new hairstyle and very angry... I didn't know why he was so angry ? I though that he looked very nice!
He alway have his own opinion... I remebered that someone talked me before , they said my son would be a rish man when he become a grown-up. I though I didn't care about this... I just wnated my sons have a happy and healthy's childhood.
I don't know who say that " studying music and your child doesn't become bad"...
I don't know it true or not but I know it cost me a lot of money!
I have to do my best to earn money...........
Oh...by the way....How do you think his hairstyle? Not bad, right?

JU Percussion Music Part I

In four or five years ago, My sons learned how to percussion in the JU percrssion music school. This was a good place that if children wanted to learn about music. Percrssion is humanity's born I thought. This kind of music not to imagine is actually so difficult. Enters music the pipeline to be many, attacks happily, because conforms to humanity's instinct , therefore appears especially amiable, speaking of the initial contact music's child, is the very appropriate basic pipeline, I wanted music to be really the very good friend with my sons!
Therefore Zhu Zongqing teaching system's idea is strikes the instinct take the child as a medium, by the game, the bodily rhythm, story, performance, music appreciation activities and so on sang, saying that let the child feel music under the natural situation, initiated to music interest, then trained own hearing and the memory, raised the musicianship and ability, finally let music carry out truly in the life, became entire family joyful and the life quality springhead.
Many people asked me "why you didn't let your sons to learn piano..." Learning percussion music with a lot of frined had more fun I thought. Which one is my son? Guess!   

School :http://www.jpg.org.tw/newschool/

2009年4月30日 星期四

How interesting!

A student of National Kinmen Agricultural and Industrial Vocational Senior High School in Kinmen County displays two shoe-shaped sandwiches at a school fair held yesterday to attract junior high school graduates to the school.
I know there are a lot of school to hold a fair or flea market during these days. Sometimes, stutents always develop their crazy ideas to attract peoople. In this picture...it's very fascinating and innovative! But which part I eat this sandwiches in first taste? Anyway I think young people are creative more than us.
So, if you are a person who like to surf the internet and you will see a lot of Kuso or interesting things in the young people's blog, picture and essay........ they like to show their own taste and ideas , fearless of the consequences.
"Oh, what a great to be young. "
If I can go back in time.......maybe I will do someings crazy....such as make three or five boyfriends at the same time ......Ha!!!it is just for joke. But I really wnat to do something specially when I was young.

2009年4月28日 星期二

H1N1---New and serious's swine flu

World governments act as flu spreads...

Newspaper says, Mexico’s death toll has reached 103, the WHO has opened its 24-hour ‘war room’ command center and an EU official warned against non-essential travel .
The WHO has declared the flu a “public health emergency of international concern” that could become a pandemic, or global outbreak of a serious disease.Its emergency committee was due to decide yesterday whether to raise its pandemic alert level, currently at 3 on a scale of 1 to 6.“If we go to phase 4 because of the swine flu virus, it basically means that we believe that a potential pandemic virus has potentially shown it can transmit from person to person and cause large outbreaks,” WHO Acting Assistant Director-General Keiji Fukuda said on Sunday.In Mexico, life has slowed dramatically in cities as schools have been closed and public events called off to slow the spread of the virus. The city government is considering halting public transport.

When I see this news I am very sad and worry ..The expert said it was possibly to erupt the high prevalence within a half year... Do you remember SARS in 2003 in Taiwan? It let our real Estate market and stock market become bad. We all know our economy is bad now it 's really "one misfortune after another." Now this infection speed will be quicker than SARS. Why it happen again and what can we do? Maybe I have to ask my sons to wear a mask to school.......

2009年4月27日 星期一

My Japanese's Homework

ちょうさん:その 靴(くつ)を 見(み)せて ください。
ちょうさん:それは どこの 靴(くつ)ですか。
店員(てんいん):イタリアの 靴(くつ)です。
This was parts of my Japanese's Homework.
Last week our Japanese teacher wanted us to do conversation and had to type the conversation in a paper. This was the first time that I typed words in Japanese. I thought it was very difficult and I could not do that homework by myself. So, I made a phone call to my son's Japanese teacher who studied Janpanese in Ming Chuan University. Because my sons liked to watch Japanese cortoons so I found a Japanese teacher to teach them. Now my sons' Japanese were better than me I thought. Anyway, then she promised me that she would help me to finish this homework.
Next day I received her email for my Japanese Homework. After I opened the email and read the conversation I decided to do this homework by myself. I appreciated her to give me the conversation she wrote but it was very difficult to me. My Japanese ability was not good enough to spoke it in front of my class. So, I took out my Japanese book and tried to write some conversation step by step. When I finished my homework and printed it out ... I could not believe... I could do that by myself. It was worth staying up late that night I thought. It was right........."Nothing is difficult to a man who wills."

2009年4月24日 星期五

How to choose a marriage partner

Marriage is not a game but a lifetime thing. It is important to choose a marriage partner if you want to get married. The right marriage affects the rest of your life. The wrong marriage also affects the rest of your life. So, how to choose a marriage partner? I think if you want to have a good marriage partner and have a happy marriage life… you should do this…just keep your eyes open and consider about following things
In order to have a happy life after getting married, you have to check many aspects of your marriage partner. First, he has to be a man, a real man not a “Tom Boy”. Sorry, this just for me. Let's get down to business…First, he has to be healthy because we want to have healthy babies. Second, he has to have a handsome appearance, it just for eugenics. Third, he has to be a humor man that he can make you happy in the marriage life. Next, his family background is simple is good that you don’t attend to your father-in-law and mother-in-law. Fifth, he has to have a good financial condition. Then you don’t worry about money and can have a “Tea Time” such as a noblewoman every day. Sixth, match Zewei Star, Chinese animal signs and star signs to you and your marriage partner. Sometimes, it is very accurate that you can use these to know your marriage partner.

To sum up, be sure a marriage partner’s health, family background, and financial condition are important. But, if a man has the qualities that you want, how these conditions can guarantee your marriage should be happiness? If the man has all the qualities that you want so what qualities you should have? Maybe above the conditions are not you want and complete. However, a marriage partner is different from a boyfriend so think about everything before you get married.

2009年4月5日 星期日


I didn't have to go to school on this Satusday and I felt so happy .........

Ha...because I was in the TANG SPARTY on this weekend. This was not frist time that I went there. I liked to go there very much, maybe I liked to go to about the historical culture's place I thought. On the Saturday we spend much time in the hot spring spa. Because there was several kinds hot spring especially I liked the rose and lavender's hot spring ! We played hard and it was almost evening. Oh....it was a important thing I had to say...Before you went their hot spring, you had to change the bathing gown frist and you could choose their bathing gown to wear. Their bathing gown was very beautiful! After that, my husband and I had a body massage ....it was really felt well. Next, we palyed a lot of ancient child's toys there...it let you to feel that you went back in time.

On the second day, for me, it was not easy to get up in the morning. But we ate breakfast today...it was so magical......because I had never eaten breakfast when I took a trip. After breakfast, we went hot spring again till we checked out. On my way home, we ate lunch at Jhuwei fishing port and ate a lot of seafood there such as lobster, crab, squid.....

When we were all stuffed and we went to TaiMall to see a movie named " Monsters v.s Aliens" it was very funny........Today I had a full day!

2009年4月3日 星期五

Formosa International Hotel

I went to Formosa International Hotel this noon, because my husband had a invitation for lunch. We ate in a VIP room in the two floor. When the waitress served the meal ....the wondweful food made my mouth water and felt starving. Their food was very high-class and tasted delicious. After entree , their dessert was very good to eat especially the chocolate cake and clocolate ice cream... these was very very tasty. Although I was afraid to get fat I could not defy the chocolate's temptation!
After the meal, I knew it was a social time....at this time, everyone always wanted to be a deipnosophist. So, sometime you had to have a social disposition in this occasion. Anyway...it was not my business... I just came for eating delicious food....ha!ha!
The food was great; but I thought I was a chicken-hearted people...because there was two foreigns there I could not say anything to them...........alas.......again!

2009年3月26日 星期四

Have you done anything exciting lately?

This is my conversation course's question next week and I think it is a very interesting. If I have to say something exciting lately I think it was I went to Macao during the New Year's Day! Why did I say it was exciting? Because that was my first time to go to casino and took a gamble. In the past I just saw casino in the movies so when I was really in there....it's a very specially experience. I took a lot of gambles there...I had to say it was very exciting! I liked to play the table games especially the "Dealer Button" threw the three dices that you could guess their points and got a bet... But every one knew the result that you would have more chances to loose money than win....so it included me!
Anohter especially thing was I went to a famous steakhouse in Venetian named Morton's. I saw a lot of comment in the magazines that said it had good foods to ate.... but I thought it was so so and if wanted to tat there you had to have a big stomach first!
Although I lost about NT two hundred thousand but I had a good memory there.

2009年3月25日 星期三


Do you believe "Marriage" ?
Annie and Harlem who have decided to divorce lately...
It's was too bad to hear that because they were my favorited singers. I don't know why many people don't like Annie that they say she is a hypocritical woman. But I think everyone who in his or her show business career is always acts hypocritically too... And when people see Annie and Victor hold hands's picture in the newspaper, almost people say " You see...I have known Annie is not a good woman and say a lot of bad thing about her! I think it is not unfair... if Annie and Harlem change their role and what people will say? I don't know why some businessmen or political figures that they can have two or over two wives?
I have married so I know that's not just Annie's problems... Harlem has to have some responsibility.
I wish everyone can have their marriage forever and ever. Maybe if we can not do that... just like Annie and Harlem, at least they don't say any bad words each other!
If you ask me do I believe marriage? I will say " no " .... nothing is for good and forever...........
But I think it's a life .........and don't be sad!

2009年3月24日 星期二

Rainy Days....

I don't like rainy days! I don't know why evevy time it rains I will get a bad mood! Maybe when I was a child I lived in keelung and it always raining...then I could only stat at home and could not go outside! I remembered that when I was a junior high school and senior high school's student I hated wore rain shoes to school because I could not play basketball ...It's my favorited sport at that time!
Now more one week is April ....so, it usually rains in spring and summer. We usually have successive days of rain inf April and May. In Taiwan we call April "plum rain season, which means rainy seasons." I have to bring a umbrella when I go outside....I think it's not convenient! I don't like rainy days but I know we need water...
So..."go ahead"...raning...