2009年7月13日 星期一

Vacation in Tainan and Kaohsiung

Have you considered going to see Tainan? It's on way to Kaohsiung and it's worth visiting.
Do you know why I choose Tainan? Of course, I have
never been there before and it's quite famous for its food . I didn't remember who did this presentation in the class last term...it's on Identity final presentation. But I remembered the subject was night market culture and someone introduced the biggest night market in Taiwan named garden night market.

As you could see this photo that I took a picture there. Tell about food....the most famous food in Tainan is called coffin. I think it's very strange...Taiwanese don't like to hear about death or anything like that, right? Why it can become famous food? Although I am Taiwanese, I prefer to eat French toast.

I ate a lot of foods in garden night market and you could not believe it, I bought many foods to hotel. My husband and I had food massage in our room. We knew that after foot massaged we would watch TV all night.... ha......so we bought many foods and beers for our night snake. My husband and I liked to wathch TV all night during our vacation. How come? Because we didn't have cable in my house. I like 具俊表.... he is so handsome.

Next day, we went to Anping and wanted to eat the famous food ...shrimp roll. Wa...there was a crowd of people and you had to line up and waited for half hour.... Good to eat? I didn't think so. I thought Dan-Tsu Noodles was good. I ate a lot of foods in Tainan....I had to lose weight.
Third day, we went to Kaohsiung....I had been to Kaohsiung for five times...nothing specail. We went Blue Lagoon to play in water. Both of my sons liked to make fun on playing water....so they said they wanted to come here next week?! Next week? Is it possible?

