2009年4月30日 星期四

How interesting!

A student of National Kinmen Agricultural and Industrial Vocational Senior High School in Kinmen County displays two shoe-shaped sandwiches at a school fair held yesterday to attract junior high school graduates to the school.
I know there are a lot of school to hold a fair or flea market during these days. Sometimes, stutents always develop their crazy ideas to attract peoople. In this picture...it's very fascinating and innovative! But which part I eat this sandwiches in first taste? Anyway I think young people are creative more than us.
So, if you are a person who like to surf the internet and you will see a lot of Kuso or interesting things in the young people's blog, picture and essay........ they like to show their own taste and ideas , fearless of the consequences.
"Oh, what a great to be young. "
If I can go back in time.......maybe I will do someings crazy....such as make three or five boyfriends at the same time ......Ha!!!it is just for joke. But I really wnat to do something specially when I was young.

