2009年2月22日 星期日

A Love Letter

Dear Alex:
We have been together for ten years. you know I always write letters or cards to you even we get married. I know I ignored you when I go to Lung-Wa to study English, I really want to look for the time to write a letter for you to thank you support me do everything I want. Now I have chance and write a letter for you in English. This is a first time I write a love letter in English I hope you will like it and if you need, I can lend you my dictionary…ha,ha,ha! .
I think having your love, has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. Everyday, when I awake from a dream of us together, I thank God I found you! What have I ever done to deserve such a loving, caring, wonderful man? Everything about you is just so perfect. In my eyes, everything you do just seems so flawless. The way you express your love to me is so magical!! I feel so loved! For me, you are not just a husband you are my friend, my lover, my teacher, my father…you give everything that I want. So, many friends say that I am the woman who surrounding with love.
I am very lucky to be your woman. I want to spend my whole life with you, loving you and receiving your love in return. Honey, I am glad that you came into my life. I really very lucky that I can have a wonderful marriage and you are the Mr. right for me. I always get butterflies in my stomach every time I looking into your eyes…do you believe it? I have the feeling just I am falling love. I will love you with my whole heart no matter how happened in the future. Thank you for everything. I pray to god everyday to bless you with everything you deserve. I will love you until the end of time.
Always and Forever Yours,

2009年2月19日 星期四

Brown Sugar

I went to Brown Sugar Jazz Club & Restaurant in Taipei yesterday. Brown Sugar jazz club carries the essence of International night clubs. Music lovers can enjoy live bands, food, wine there. This time came many foreigners... The feeling just like arrives at overseas PUB. I was afraid that if some foreigners talk to me how can I conversation with them. I thought it had a delicious meal there that I ordered a fried rice with peppper, creamy pumpkin soup and a lot of appertizer and even cheese cake and Tiramisu puff. But finally we canceled the dessert because we was full. This time was a block man sang songs I really liked his voice especially he was very humorous. Before he sang he liked to say a joke. Ha...Ha...It was very funny and I had a good time. On my way home I really wanted to progressed in my English so that I could understood the songs meaning.

Address: NO101, Sungren Rd., Shinyi Disrict, Taipei Taiwan

Book Review---PS I Love You

A touching, heart-warming story of grief, its many stages and how the one you love the most can prepare you for life after they’re gone.

Oh my word, I loved this book.This book would be good to read if you have lost someone you love. When I read it that let me thought my mom. My mom who lost her husband and was not only faced with finding a life without her beloved husband, but also faces problems dealing with her three daughters, whose lives also must go on. So, when I was young I always saw my mom cried at night especially during the Chinese New Year’s Eve that everyone had to have a family dinner. On that day I knew she missed my dad very much… I thought I could understand Holly…
Anyway, I really enjoyed the characters and the steady way that the plot builds. It was so endearing to see the ways in which Gerry’s notes helped Holly to be brave and encouraged her to have fun, and to even go shopping!
I as it carrys you through the grieving process through the life of Holly who loses her husband Gerry far too young. Even though Gerry has passed away, he planned a year of notes to help his wife learn how to live and love and laugh...even though she had to learn how to do it without him. This book will make you want to grasp hold of those little lovely moments, love the people in your life even more, and live. Everyone should read this book

I know this book has also been made into a movie but they changed the story and characters around.....her Mother they make out to be something different from the book. They change how she gets the letters and leave out what I think are important characters. Because the movie changed so much of the book that my friends recommend me should buy this book to read I will say I like both of them.

Finally, I think Cecelia Ahern is truly talented, and I will be reading more from this author.

2009年2月13日 星期五

To be a good teacher.

What kind of teacher is a good teacher?
In my opinion, a best teacher is someone who not only teaches students but also answers their questions. For example, like me, should read a lot of books to acquire knowledge, and I may travel around the world during winter or summer vacations to expand my horizon. Because I am a cram school teacher and teaches the elementary school's students, so I have to have more patience. But it's very funny I have to learn some flate jokes sush as " Why people can't see any doctor after ate an apple?" Guess what? The answer is "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". Do you agree it? I don't know why students like to ask questions like that?
Now to be a good teacher not only have a specialized field but also should be building good relationships with students and their parents. So, I am kind and friendly with my students and also I have to make a phone call to students' parents.
To be a good teacher is a hard work... I will do that!

My Typical Day

I'm work in a cram school and teach the second-grade. I arrive at 12 and then prepare some test paper. Usually, I pick my students up at 12:40 and take them back to our cram school.
When students come to cram school, they take a nap. At this time I will check their test book and fill in our cram school's coummuniate books. After 2 o'clock they start doing their school homework. When they finish I will check their homework and let them write our cram school tests. Around 4 o'clock they'll have some snake. After that, I start to teach them Chinese and Math.
About 6 o'clock when my students almsot finish, then I have to go go the from desk to help our part-time co-worker because parents always come to catch their children at that time. When most students leave, I will check their test books and clean my classroom.
When I start my work at noon till I fill in a time sheet about 8 at the evening, I have no time to rest. Because students are very noisy and I have to help them finish their homework before their parents come here. So it's my typical day. When they have midterm and final exams at school, I have to spend extra time at cram school on Saturday morning to help students review their school works. Although my works is very busy I still enjoy working with them.

2009年2月12日 星期四

Studying abroad or in Taiwan?

If I have chances I think I would prefer to study abroad. Whenever I watched foreign movies I saw the teachers that just sat down on the table and encouraged their students to speak. So, I think in foreign school maybe have a lot more freedom. Compared with studying in Taiwan, we have so many tests.
Also, I think that people who study abroad have more chances to get a good job when they finish school. And if I study abroad, I might speak another language very well. This is a globalized society nowdays so English is getting more important. I think students in Taiwan that spend much money and time on studying English especially as preschool and elementary school's studens. I think I compassion on that students.
I will let my sons studying abroad when they finish junior high school...so I have to make more money now...


I like to read a lot and like to read all kinds of books. When I was young I like to read comic books so I usually went to the comic books stroe to rent books. At that time my mother didn't like me to read the comic books and if she knew I rented the books that she was very angry. So, if I rented the books I always read them in the bathroom or under my quilt. It was a terrible experience I thought.
Before I go to Lung-Wa I always buy Next Magazine, Business Weekly, Business Today, Smart to read, I like to know the latest gossip with stars and some of finance's information. But now I try to read about the books in English like this winter vacation I buy a novel named " PS I Love You". This is my writing homework.... so not only have to read it and also have to write the book review... I think it's very difficult but I will do my best.

2009年2月11日 星期三

It is better to travel by train or bus?

I think it's better to travel by train. When you travel by train, there's no traffic jam. The specially thing is you can buy Chinese dinner or snacks to eat. Also, there is a toilet on the train it is very convenient for women or children. The important is we can see a beautiful view when taking a train.
I know to travel by bus is also comfortable and there are many modern buses in Taiwan. Many of them even show movies and the seats are very comfortable. But I think to travel by bus is not to suit to me. Because I have two children... you know that childen can't sit on the chair well-behaved. So, I am afraid to bother people who wnat to relax ane even sleep. Although to travel by bus is more confortable I like to travel by train.

2009年2月10日 星期二

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet

The Internet has both advantages and disadvantages, which depends on how we use it. The Internet is a big help for students and I use it almost every day. Sometimes my classmate and I use MSN to ask each other questions about homework. That's very convenient. When I need some information that I surf the internat where I can find the information I need, the internet helps me to get the data vesy fast. So I like to surf on the Internet and talk on MSN with my frineds.
But on the other hand, websites which are full of violence and sex may have negative influence on our mind especially young people. Some people always use the Internet just for games, it can waste a lot of time and hurt our eyes. I don't understand why younger people like make friends on the internet? It is very dangerous that have a date with stranger. If we take a balance on using the Internet that we can gain the benefit from Internet.


I like coffee...
It seems that coffee is sort of a fashion right now. I often like to go to coffee shops with my friends or my husband. In the past, I like drank 2 or 3 cups of coffee a day I knew it was not good for my healthy but I just couldn't quit that habit at that time. Since I married, I don't drink coffee for a long time, if I stay up late I just make tea to drink. Tell the true I prefer coffee than tea!
Begining from I go go Lung-Wa to study I drink coffee again but this time I just drink it on Saturday and Sunday. Because I have to go to Lung-Wa for 8 hours to study English and I want to concentrate my attention so I prepare a cup of coffee for myself. Maybe it is a excuse... but I really miss the strong coffee aroma. Ha..Ha.. I drink coffee again but I can't drink it very much. If I drink more than a cup of coffee a day I'll have a palpitations...I think I getting old!
I went to Starbucks and drank Cappuccino yesterday, what a pleasure of life!

Bad Mood

The best thing to do when you feel very sad or in a bad mood is to forget about the problem. In the past, when I felt sad or in a bad mood I made a phone call to my sister and told her how I felt. I told her all of my feeling and asked her opinion. But now if I have any problem I will talk to my husband. He always teaches me how to find a way to calm down and settle the problem down.
Today I have a bad mood, I don't know why believe people is a wrong thing. I like children very much and really wnat to give them everything if I could give more. But people are unpredictable. One of my cram school teachers had resigned last month but she had stolen my students list and made phone call to their parents to talk them could go to another cram school where she is working now... Why didn't she have a occupational ethics? Could it be said that her new boss isn't afraid that she can do the same thing? Why can't cram schools make a positive competition effect? I don't understand...
Now....let it go....Whatever comes, whatever breaks, I am not afraid...Because my husband will support me ! And if my cram school is good that how many students she can take away?

2009年2月9日 星期一

Losing Weight

Many people lose weight in order to look good...So do I! I think every girl wants to have a model's body. Having a well-proportioned body are girls' dream. Begining of this year, my nightmare is come true. Oh! I can't believe it...I have gained 3 kg during Chinese New Year's holiday. How can I do? Once I tried to lose weight by starving myself. I just only ate breakfast and lunch a day...but when I studied at night, I always felt hungry and could not concentrate on my study. It's very terrible that when I got up in the morning I felt dazed. So, it was a miserable experience.
I think eveyone knows that the best way to keep fit is to exercise a lot and eat little junk food. But it's hard to me. I really want to eat some weight-loss pills...ha ha, it's just a joke because I don't have the gut to do it! I will begin to eat little from today...and...walk to work!!!

My Favorite Music

There are many kinds of music, such as popular music, jazz, rock-and -roll, classical music and so on... Among above these types of music, I like popular music the most. When I was a junior high school student, my sister and I always listened to the radio every Friday night. Because my sister and I would written the TOP 20 down...I thought it's had a lot of fun at that time. I thought I was in anguish during my junior high school life, when you was a junior high school student that you had a lot of tests. I got into the habit of listening pop music since then.
So, I can ease my stress by listen to music. I like singing so I like listening popular music that when I go to KTV I can sing new songs. I usually pick up a CD that I like When I go to bed or do my homework... I think it's truly a great pleasure of life... at that time I am released from my pressure!

2009年2月8日 星期日

Keeping a diary in English

When I was young, I started to keep a diary in Chinese. In that time I almost kept a diary every day. I think I don't like to share or express my feelings to my friends so I write everything down in my diary... ha ha...if you wnat to know my secret just in my diary. But I don't know when I quit to keep a diary maybe I think it is trouble to hide my diary. So I don't keep a diary for a long time. But I am studying English now, I know "Practice makes perfect"...
I think if I practiced writing in English every day, maybe my English would improve.
But keeping a diary in English is very difficult, it is very hard to express my feelings in English because my vocabulary is limited. So, when I reread my diary I found a lot of mistakes, which was a proof that my English ability was improving. Anyway, I will do my best to keep a diary in English.


I like singing very much because it is a lot of fun. In this winter vacation I buy a lot of CDs to listen and all the CDs are English songs because I want to learn more English. Whether I am in a good mood or bad mood, I sing. Singing in a happy mood makes me happier, singing in a gloomy mood makes me feel less gloomy. In sort, I really like to sing.
I like singing songs in KTV with my friends, we can drink some beer or wine and play some games there, it is always have fun. But sometimes I like singing songs in the bathroom especially when I take a shower. In that time I can sing any songs that I want and don't care my voice is good or bad. Now I want to learn two songs that I really like them. One is the movie called " Music and Lyrics" and the song named "Way Back Into Love, and the other song is sung by Britney and the song's name is "Everytime" . I wish I could sing them well someday.

2009年2月2日 星期一

Red Cliff II

I saw a movie named Red Cliff II yesterday. Before Cape No. 7 I usually choose foreign movies to see but I think I should be support locial movies now. Red Cliff II had a magnificent scene which one praises to the heavens, Xiao Qiao carried a heavy responsibility who made tea to Cao Cao that wanted to delayed him to sent soldiers abroad. In addition, the audiences would see the straw boat taking one hundred thousand of the arrows, Kong Ming borrowed the east wind, the heavenly light to pass on the military situation as well as to burn down the series ship . Between Kong Ming and Zhou Yun who had a very interesting dialogue and had a very wisdom strategy to fight the enemy. In this movie, I think Lin Zhi Ling that plays very well and can't see that the first movie she plays... and I think that women should be like her just to be a intelligent person.

2009年2月1日 星期日

Go to the hot spring in Cedarwood Villa

I like go to the hot spring because it is the comfortable matter to soak the hot spring in the winter. Taking hot spring bath can bring you into relaxation and assuage your stress so it is good to the body especially can smooth women's skin. In this Chinese New Year's vacation I just choose the hotel with hot spring to stay. This time I choose a hotel name Cedarwood Villa that has a good appraisal on the internet. I think their meal and room that is above standard but populace bathing pool is just so so. Anyway, after we take a hot spring bath that we going downstarirs where is their small bar that can drink beer and listen to the live band. That feels really good. After these day's rest, I think I can do my job and the study well this year...go!go!go!