2010年5月17日 星期一

Before graduation...my lovely classmates

Before graduation....how to express my feeling?

Tell the truth...I can't believe I will graduate...
Maybe you may think I worry about my grades...That's wrong! Ha...Ha...I wanted to quit my studying when I started to learn English in LHU!!! But...now....I will be graduated from LHU. Just like people said, " where there is a will, there is a way." I proud of myself....I did it and I really improved my English! YA!!!

I learnt many things while studying here and improved my English ability.
I would like to take this opportunity to thanks my teachers, all of you taught me a lot and boost my confidence. Now I am confident in my language capacity and able to communicate with foreigner at simple sentence. All of you are the respectful teachers. Thank you all!

Then, I will thanks my classmates... Without your help, I can't persist in the study! Thank you all !! I have to say that we are not only study togather but also have fun together ! I hope we could still so happy for ever. I love all of you!

I will be graduated soon! Good luck to everybody.

2010年5月13日 星期四

Why should we care....

Air pollution is made up of many kinds of gases, droplets and particles that reduce the quality of the air. Air can be polluted in both the city and the country. Air pollution comes from different sources and has many harmful effects. It has already had negative effects, including destroy the Earth’s environment and hurt human health.

First, air pollution destroyed the Earth’s environment such as acid rain and global warming. Like acid rain it can damage crops and forests, and make lakes and streams unsuitable for fish and other plant and animal life. Global warming it makes not only hotter and hotter in the summer but also more and more earthquakes and tsunamis in our life. Thus, we may lose our property and someone who we love.

Second, air pollution hurts human health --- it makes breathing problems and cancers. People have no choice but to breathe the air around them. When air is polluted, people breathe in dirty particles and harmful gases that can hurt their lungs, heart, and overall health. Air pollution can cause coughing, burning eyes, and breath──ing problems. Furthermore, it also been linked to some cases of serious disease such as lung cancer and heart ailments. According to WTO estimates, air pollution is responsible for 100,000 to 400,000 premature deaths a year.

To sum up, air pollution is a serious problem today. To destroy the Earth’s environment and to hurt human health are only two of its many negative effects. Every time we breathe, we risk inhaling dangerous into the air. Everyone has the right to breathe clean air. To solve the problem and save the Earth, everyone should take responsibilities to do some things

2010年5月10日 星期一

A Card for my mom...

Dear Mom,

For Mother's Day... I think it is time to write a card to you! I appreciatae everything you have done and do for me. I think I never tell you how much I love you. I know you had hard work in the past. I really want to do everything for you....you are the most important person to me !

Thank you for everything you have given Fanny, Maggie and me. Without you, we will be impossible to get such amount of knowledge and a warm life! You always support and be our side....I think this is what we say about happiness! Althought I don't live with you, I always miss you and care your body.... I wish you all the best!

Finally, I have to say I very proud when you say all of your daughters are very filial... I will do my best to make you the happiness mother in the world!

Happy Mother's Day!


Which exercise is the best choice for Women?

Anccording to posllster reported, nearly 40% of women practice yoga. Now in Taiwan more and more actress support yoga. Just like Johin, 丁寧, 何雨妏...

Imagine an activity that increases your flexibility, strengthens your muscles, centers your thoughts, and relaxes and calms you ---That’s Yoga!
Yoga is an ancient physical and spiritual discipline and branch of philosophy that originated in India reportedly more than 5,000 years ago. That's interest...The ancient physical discipline is the popular exercise for women now!

But how does yoga work? 1. The body---Yoga postures or poses help condition your body.
2. The mind---Yoga focuses on the mind by teaching you to concentrate on specific parts
of the body. 3. The spirit---Yoga uses controlled breathing as a way to merge the mind, body, and spirit. If you want to find a way to relax and to exercise on the same time, try to do yoga!

What are needed for yoga? Mats--- In modern yoga studios with hardwood floors, you will need a sticky rubber mat to keep from slipping. You can sit and lie down on the mat when you doing yoga. Another thing is Strap--- Straps are made of cotton and useful for stretching and holding poses, particularly for poses with your legs.

In my opinion, exercises like walking, swimming, biking can only look after the physical development of the body, whereas, yoga brings peace of mind, refreshes the body, releases stress, brings in good health, relaxation and happiness!!

2010年4月8日 星期四

About me...

My name is Amber Chang.
I married over ten years and I have two kids. My husband is a perfect man. He always support me what I want.I’m so lucky because I have a warm and lovely family.

As you can see my education background, the subjects I studied included the knowledge and skills connected with Accounting, International Trade and Finance. I got a good record at school and I also got a lot of certifications.Now I want to get a certifications of TOEIC.

I owned a cram school since last year and it’s for primary school students. I work at front desk that it’s hard work. I answer phone, deal with accounting and paper work. Sometimes, I have to teach kids to finish their homework before their parents come here. When they have exams at school, I have to spend extra times on weekends to help students review their school work. Although my work is very busy, I still enjoy working with them.

I like almost all sports, and I enjoy both playing and watching. Especially, I like basketball and baseball. Sometimes, I also like reading, listening music, seeing western movies and going KTV with my friends. To go to KTV is not just for fun, sometimes it can reduces my stress.

My hopes and dreams...first, I hope that I could score 700 or higher on TOEIC before I graduate from Lunghwa.Second, I want to be a part-time English teacher in my cram school in the future.
I wish I could to put to use and expand what I learned in Lunghwa University.

2010年3月31日 星期三

Travel in Hualien and Pingtung

During Chinese New Year...our family went to Hualien and Pingtung.
The two towns both are quiet relaxed places right now but the government has plans to increase the number of tourists. One of the main attractions of the two places is the surviving aboriginal culture. The other one....surely, that's its beautiful view.
So there is a lot of natural countryside and coast. Because of the lack of industry, this area is the cleanest and most relaxed area of Taiwan. As you can see these photes...the scenes it's just too good to be true. Many visitors come to east coast area to take part in outdoor sports such as diving ,cycling and hiking.
Many Taiwanese tourists and their family take their vacations at these two places. I think it worthy to visit here...my sons said they wanted to come here again during summer vacation. We all had a good time when we travel in Hualien and Pingtung.

How to be a good neighbor

Why I chose this topic?
My younger sister told me that she couldn't sleep well at night this week. Because her neighbor was very noise at night.

Today most of people live in apartments so I think everyone enjoys having good neighbors, include me. Good neighbors help give our neighborhood a good living environment. On the other hand, we have to be good neighbors ourselves.

How to be a good neighbor? First, I think we have to be considerate. For example, we should not play music or turn up TV too loud at night, or the noise would bother our neighbors. Second, we could be friendly, we can try to say hollo to our neighbors when we meet them. Don't be a stranger each other. I think I am so lucky...my neighbors are so kind.

In short, if we are considerate and polite, we will be good neighbors. I think it is important to develop the empathy among neighbors.

2010年3月29日 星期一

Dodgers Tour in Taiwan

Dodgers Tour in Taiwan, Eye-Opener for Fans...
The MLB Los Angeles Dodgers had a 4-day visit to Taiwan a few days ago, and played three exhibition games with the Taiwanese All-Star Professional Baseball Team.

My husband enjoy watching baseball normally, so when he know the Dodgers have come to Taiwan and the two will definitely not miss this chance to see MLB. Than, he spent ten thusand and we wnet to Tienmu baseball stadium to see the first game.

Most of fans came here and just wanted to see Ramirez...included my husband. Tell the truth, I didn't think Ramirez played great on this baseball game, I was a little disappointed.
Someone said due to jet-lag, the Dodgers' batters didn't realize their full batting potential which resulted in a loss in the first game.

Although this game was not very excited...my husband had a good time...becaues he saw his idol....ha!

2010年3月25日 星期四

Proud of you!

To everyone, there will be at least a proud moment in their lives...and I am really happy today!
I am so happy because my son selu is a Taoyuan County's model student of his primary school.
Selu....I am so proud of you. I know you are so smart and you are learning fast. I have to say....you are always give mom a lot of glory!

Many famous person are surprisingly humble...so you have to learn it!
Other thing you have to know that you are the most important person to me. Maybe you think I love your younger brother more than you....I am so sorry about it! I want to say I will always be your side and support you. I love you!

Today you and your father are on the stage together...I think that's a specially experience to us.
You are the idol of your younger brother. We are all proud of you!!!

2010年3月22日 星期一

Diary in English

I like to writer something every day.
When I was a junior high school student, I started to keep a diary every day. At that time I always felt a little presure so I kept a diary to talk to myself.
Now I always keep a diary but I try to do it in English. I think if I practice writing in English every day, my Englisg ability may improve.

At first, it was hard for me to expres my feelings in English, because my vocabulary was limited. So during this time, my diary was so short. I thought I didn't write over ten sentences.
Sometimes, it took me about 2 hours to keep a diary....ha ha...because I had to find the vocabulary in English dictionary. But....it worthy to spend time to keep a diary in English.

I like to write everything that happened in my life, no matter what I feel happy or sad. To keep a diary in Engilsh is good start...maybe I will write a short esssay someday.

2010年1月4日 星期一

Do you have an effective way of dealing with stress that involves steps?

Stress is a common and normal part of all of our lives. A recent survey showed that 70-90% of us feel stressed at work, school and family life. Today’s fast paced lifestyle is putting a toll on us .Unless we learn how to relieve stress, we will have a bad mood or get sick. How to deal with stress is very important nowadays. Many people try to find an effective way to dealing with their stress. When I want to relax or reduce stress, I always do yoga. It follows a procedure of two main steps involving comfort and breathing.
First, finding a comfortable place and getting into a comfortable position are important steps to doing yoga. Loosen my clothing, take off my shoes, and get comfortable. Sometime, music can be a powerful tool in relieving stress. So I am listening to the soothe music while doing yoga. Yoga exercises can help improve strength and flexibility, reduce stress and increase circulation in several muscle groups.
Next, breathing is also another important part of yoga. My vital energies can be controlled using various breathing techniques. I can gain control over both my body and mind using the meditative techniques of yoga along with controlled breathing. Just close eyes and focus my attention on my breathing. Do this for ten or twenty minutes then I can more fully relax.

In short, some stress is good but too much stress will let you mentally and physically ill. Try to do some relaxed activities to cope with stressful situations. If you are looking for a way to relax, try to do Yoga. There are many things that you can do in yoga. The breathing, meditative, and physical poses of yoga help in various ways to quiet your mind and bring peace from within. Try finding a comfortable place and wearing comfortable clothes then doing yoga, you might find it’s an effective way of dealing with stress