2009年1月16日 星期五

Tai-Ke Culture...

In 1950- 1990 the Tai-Ke orginal meaning is country bumpkin and it's just refers to the native Taiwanese. But after 1990 it refers to lower class of Taiwanese. Tai-Ke has three images, the first is lower taste that describe people whose clothing, looks, and behavior are inappropriate.
The second is lower social class, it mean they have knowledge gap. The third is negative image.
Now, Tai-Ke developed into a subculture such as ride the modified motorcycle, wear flip-flops, wear bright colored clethes, eat beetle nut and smoke, display an image of uncouth and lower class, has bad quality of hair dyed. But in recent years, through the performances of several famous singers, such as 伍佰,張震嶽,5566...the word " Tai-Ke" has gradually become a popular term. Form 2005 to 2008, Tai-Ke rock conecrts has been held erery year. The success of the concerts present images of a joyful life that local Taiwanese have here. Most importantly, those events nad efferts have turned the negtive meaning of Tai-Ke into a symbol of popular culture in Taiwan. More and more people present the image of Tai-Ke by many creative ways that can best describe the life style of young Taiwan people.

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