2009年12月31日 星期四

My idol---Jolin & Happy new year

Last night Angela, Luke, my husband and I were fun because we went to Taipei to enjoy a great concert. Know what? Who was playing the lead in the concert? Yes..........Jolin! She is the idol of young people include me. I love Jolin very much...........Why did Jay break up with her? Jolin is so perpect...she can sing and dance very well,not to mention her face and great shape!
Anyway, I love her song and dance....I'll always support Jolin.

Ok....It's 11 pm now and I will go to downtown for the countdown !
I want to take a monent and wish everyone a Happy new year!
Ha.......I wish Jay and Jolin get back together soon.
Happy New Year ~~~I love you!

2009年12月23日 星期三

Hong Kong Disneyland---2009/11/15

Our family went to Hong Kong Disneyland from Nov. 15th to 17th. Why did I choose these days? Because my sons and I all finished our mid-tern exam, besides I didn’t like crowded places during the holidays. When I stepped into the magical world of Disneyland, it’s mad the dreams of my childhood came true. That was an unforgettable experience in my life.

There are four parts at Disneyland.

First part, Fantasyland…
I was like kids when I stepped through the castle doors and immerse myself in the place where Disney stories came to life.
Here, you can meet a lot of Disney characters, like Mickey, Miney, snow white, goofy…
Here, you can also watch famous characters perform in Broadway-style musical shows.

Second part, Tomorrowland…
Oh…this was my sons’ favorite place, especially stitch encounter and autopia.
Stitch encounter is guests talk to the mischievous alien stitch. I thought this show really very funny. Because stitch just choose two persons to talk to, my son, selu, was very lucky that he had a chance to talk to stitch.
Talk about autopia… to be an autopia driver was very easy and my little son love it very much. He drove this car four times and I had to line up for the long lines four times too.

Next, Advnetureland…
I thought the jungle river cruise was very exciting. The funny skipper took us on a boat to explore the waters of the jungle and we would experience the primeval forests of the breathtaking trip.
At this land we also watched the festival show of the lion king. Amazing show! It’s worth watching.

Fourth part….Main street, u.s.a.
Disney’s main street is based on a typical American town and there are many store here. Told the truth, this was my favorite place. I love those souvenirs very much. They are really really very cute.
The scenes were beautiful so we stopped anywhere and took a lot of photos. This trip was very exciting and interesting. We bought lots of souvenirs and had a great time.
Ok…talk about food…
I want to introduce three foods.

There are many kinds of delicious and famous snacks in Hong Kong. Such as Shrimp dumplings, steamed rice rolls, steamed pork ribs and pastries. A restaurant for snakes, we call it “tea”. To eat snakes in the morning or lunch time is Hong Kong people’s daily routine habits. I love these foods very much whatever I was in Taiwan or Hong Kong.
Second, Roast food
Most people have tasted roast duck or goose included me. One new thing I got to try was the roast pigeon which is a popular food in HK. If you have never tried it, you’re really missing out some greasy food.

Soup can be said to mark HK ‘s traditional food culture. People drink different soups in different seasons and these soups are good for beauty and health. I ate a lot of soups there for beauty and my husband ate just for his health! I hope it worked.
To sum up, I ate a lot of food in HK and I guessed I have gained weight. That’s too bad!

2009年12月17日 星期四

My New Year’s resolution…

We will say goodbye to the year of 2009 and the New Year will come soon. A new year means a new chance to make changes and work on various aspects of life. New Year's Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past, and more importantly, forward to the coming year. My new year’s resolution is very simple.
First, Get healthy. This should be on the top of my list and everybody’s list. Because I have to work and study at the same time, I always stay up late every day, I think my immune system is not very well. So, it is my goal next year to take care of my body .To eat healthy, to get as much good sleep as I can, to exercise like parking at the far end of the parking lot and walk; take the stairs instead of the elevator. To know when to relax and when to push myself a little bit further.

Next, my new year’s resolution is to further improve my English and practice it as much as I possibly can. To be a good writer, I have to practice a lot although I have more than 70 pieces of writing on my English blog. Then, Read English newspapers and follow on current events. The last is to speak English as much as possible---with my friends, on Internet forums, or to myself. I wish that I could score 800 or higher on TOEIC before I graduate from Lunghwa.

Amber 98.12,9

Report...p.s I love you...

The movie begin….(Amber)
P.S. I Love You is a movie based on the novel of the same name by Cecelia Ahern. The film deals with Holly and Gerry, a happily married couple living in Manhattan. Holly and Gerry have their fair share of arguments, but there's no doubt the two are deeply in love. It starts with a fight, but you can see that these two are clearly in love and think the world of each other. That makes it all the more tragic when Gerry dies of a brain tumor and Holly must continue on without him. On her 30th birthday, a cake is delivered, and on it is a letter from Gerry…

With the help of the letters… (Ann)
Gerry knew he was going to die and decided to help his wife move on after his death. He takes Holly down memory lane and gives her advice through letters that all ending with the sign-off P.S. I Love You.Months after Gerry’s death, Holly receives a package of letters that he’s left for her, instructing her to perform a series of unexpected tasks. His letters bring Holly joy, anger and a lot of tears. And they do exactly what Gerry intended them to do. You will not only laugh with Holly and her friends, but also cry with them as they go through life’s changes together.

How did Holly do for her life begin again? (Angie)
Holly was through her year-long journey of following her husband’s plan.Dance, sing, take a vacation - all of Gerry's suggestions require Holly to get out of her house and reconnect with the world. Gerry arranges everything from fun nights out to a vacation to his homeland for his beloved wife. As she follows his instructions, Holly finds herself not only moving on but also opening up her heart to the possibility that there may just be another person out there who's worth sharing time with. Holly eventually enrolls in a fashion course and discovers she has a flair for designing women's shoes. A newfound self-confidence allows her to emerge from her solitude and embrace her friends' happiness.

To sum up…(Terry)By the end, Holly accomplishes more than what Gerry could have ever wished for. She experiences new things that she wouldn’t have done without his help, but also learns to do things on her own. A touching, heart-warming movie of grief, its many stages and how the one you love the most can prepare you for life after they’re gone. This movie makes out to be something different from the novel. But the way it is handled is unique and worth your viewing time. By the way, I had to say that the final song, by Flogging Molly, is also perfect for the movie and a great way to close the film

2009年12月7日 星期一

How to overcome a language problem

Problems are happening in everyday life. Life is filled with never-ending problems. We all experience different problems in working, family, relationships, children, society, etc. They just creep up everywhere in every area of our life. Now I have a lot of problems in my life especially in learning English. This is the story of why I should study English and the difficult process of learning English.
My husband is a businessman and he is starting a new business now. Besides, he is also a president-of-parent-association in my son’s primary school. Thus, his friends tell him that it is a good idea to open a cram school. That’s why we opened cram school last year. Maybe you don’t believe that I don’t have any experience in teaching. But I am a determinative person. Every time I decide to do something; I try to do it perfectly. First, I went to National Taipei University of Education to learn how to teach the primary school students on February, 2008. Next, I have learned English in Lunghwa University of Science and Technology since September 2008.
What are the difficulties for me in learning English? Because of my poor English, I feel upset at my enrollments. Frankly speaking, I really want to quit my study at that time. How to say that? First, I have much pressure in English class because I don’t understand what the teacher says. Second, I am poor in English gram, reading, writing and conversation. Especially, I feel nervous when I speak English in front of others. Third, I have to work, take care of my sons and study at the same time. I am really tired after finishing all these things. It is a big challenge to me.
Since I have to learn English for my job now, I try to solve my problems one by one. To be a good writer, I practice a lot. I have more than 70 pieces of writing on my English blog. Then, for improving my spelling, I practice writing the new vocabularies I learn from the computer. The last is to speak English as much as possible---with my friends, on Internet forums, or to myself. I study hard and stay up late every day. I have improved my English and I was No.4 in my class last semester. It is amazing. I really make it.
A proverbial saying, "Where there is a will, there is a way." It is true. “No pain; no gain.” I did overcome my problems in my life because I really try hard. It is worthy to spend time and money in my dream, I don’t know if I will be an English teacher in the future .However, I will try my best to make my dream come true and help kids who want to learn English well.