2009年11月25日 星期三

Tour in Disney Hong Kong

From November 15th to November 17th 2009, our family went to Disneyland Hong Kong. Why did I choose these days? Because my sons and I all finished our mid-tern exam, especially we didn’t like in crowed during holidays.
When you step into the magical world of Disneyland that it make childhood dreams come true. That's an unforgettable experience in my life.

Introducing a picture

Hello, everyone, I’m Amber!
Today I want to show you a picture about a live recording.
This picture about I went to TTV with my students for attend a live recording named Million Primary School six months ago. This was their first time to attend this kind activity so they were all excited on that day.

This program is about primary school knowledge that we learn before.
There were six special guests had to went on the stage and answer the questions!
The special was when the guest wanted to answer then the audiences had to shouted aaaa to confuse the guest. It was interesting!
I thought the questions were difficult to them. But it was not very shameful….
When we finished the recording …it’s over six hours! It was a long time.
We were so tired but we had a great time. Finally, I want to say I so proud of my students. Because they raised their hands and answered those questions right….
They are smart and brave. I love them!
Thank you for your listening!

2009年11月18日 星期三

Business English Conversation....

Emma (operator): Lung Wa International. May I help you?
Amber (Terry’s secretary): This is Amber speaking. Could you connect me to extension number 911?
Emma (operator): He is at a meeting now. Do you want me to transfer the phone to his assistant?
Amber (Terry’s secretary): Yes, please.
Emma (operator): Please hold on a second.
Ann (assistant): Hi, This is Ann speaking.
Amber (Terry’s secretary): Hi, This is Amber. My boss Mr. Terry would like to have an appointment with your manager Ken this Friday evening. Is he available on that time
Ann (assistant): Sorry, but he is not available. May we change another time for the meeting? How about next Monday afternoon?
Amber (Terry’s secretary): Sure! What time?
Ann (assistant): He is in the office at 3pm next Monday.
Amber (Terry’s secretary): No problem. My boss Terry will be there on time.
*** In Mr. Ken’s office***
Terry: Hi. I am Terry Chang, the sales manager. Nice to meet you.
Ken: Nice to meet you, too. How did you have the opportunity to come to Taiwan?
Terry: Well, I am on a business trip, visiting clients here and there.
Ken: How long are you staying in Taiwan for?
Terry: I am planning to visit all the clients, do some sight-seeing then return back to my country.
Ken: Are you familiar with Taiwan?
Terry: Not really but I have done some research on the internet before I came, so it should be ok.
Ken: If you need any help just let me know.
Terry: That's very polite of you! Thank you.
Ken: Oh yes! I heard that you've got some newly products?
Terry: Yes that's right! That's what I came for. You see, this the latest cell phone model.
Ken: It certainly looks very sophisticated.

*** After their meeting***

Ken: By the way, are you free tonight? How about having a dinner together?
Terry: Wow, that sounds great! Uhh…I think I have something else to do.
Ken: How about this weekend?
Terry: Let me check my schedule… Saturday night?
Ken: Sure, no problem. I’ll send a car to pick you up at seven and wait for you at the restaurant.
Terry: Ok! Thank you!

School uniforms?

An issue that is up for debate very often nowadays is whether a school should force students wear uniforms or not. More and more students don’t want to wear school uniforms anymore. They want to wear comfortable, beautiful and fashionable clothes. They don’t think students wear uniforms means that they are good students. Why does school must limit students wearing school uniforms? They want their right back! I believe that students should wear school uniforms everyday for four reasons.

First of all, according to TVBS News,” Over 75% educators insist that students have to wear uniforms to school.” And Dr. Chia-Tung Lee added, ”Needless to say, studying must be the first thing students consider.

Second, a huge benefit of wearing school uniforms is that students do not have to worry about what to wear every day. Students are all equal at school. No matter they come from rich or poor family. They only have one choice--- wearing uniforms. They do not need to spend much time in deciding what to wear.

Third, wearing school uniforms can also save a lot of money. The students are growing up fast no matter they are primary or senior high school students. Most of them have to change the size of clothes very often. Obviously, school uniforms are cheaper than own clothes. They don’t need to spend lots of money on buying expensive and name-brand clothes. Even the parents agree with it.

Finally, wearing school uniforms is safe for students. How to say that? Young students like to follow idols’ dress so they may wear skirts too short or shirts to low. Girls wear like that can be dangerous. Another important thing is if students wear uniforms; they dare not stay at cybercafé during school time.

However, students argue that wearing uniforms stifles creativity; it limits their freedom of personal expression. Also, many students complain that uniforms are ugly and not very comfortable. But, above those reasons, they should focus on studying because they are students. In brief, school is a place for learning and there is no doubt that wearing uniforms is good choice for students.

2009年11月8日 星期日

Describe a situation in which you have to push your limits.

Describe a situation in which you have to push your limits.
What was the situation?
Why was it challenging?
How did you feel?

Q: I think I have a lot of chances to push my limits.
How to say that? Because a man I married who is a businessman. Tell the truth, he really likes to start a new business. So I owned a cram school since last year.
Was it challenging?
To be sure, it was. You don’t believe it that I didn’t have the experience about teaching. Every time I choose to do something, I try to do it perfectly. When my husband and I wanted to start our second business, the first thing, I went to National Taipei University of Education to learn how to teaching the primary school students. Next, I studied English in LungWa. You know, I had to work and study at the same time…it’s very very tiring.
Since then, I have worked hard and studied hard every day. I go to bed very late every night because I have to study English and do my homework. Because of my poor English, do you believe that sometime I just sleep for three or four hours. In addition, I have two kids so I must spend a lot of time taking care of them. Although I am as a busy as a bee, I am proud of myself that I do everything well. First, my cram school has more than one hundred and fifteen students even though we have just started for one year. Second, my sons have a good score at their school. Third, I was No.4 in my class last semester. I know I push my limits for what I have mentioned above. It is clear I have overcome the challenge but I think that my immune system is not very well. My hands can’t do any housework.
If you ask me how I feel?
I would say that I learned a lot of things during the process of creating my own business. But, frankly speaking, if I had another chance I didn’t want to do this kind of business. I like children but it’s a really stressful field. If my students who have get hurt or get low scores, their parents will get angry. I am depressed because of some intangible pressure. Now, I don’t want to give myself too much pressure.No matter what happens in the future, I will try my best! As long as I try, that’s enough!