2009年8月9日 星期日

Happy Father's Day

We held a dinner party to celebrate the Fatyer's Day yesterday.
Even though Typhoon Morakot was coming, all my family member were present at. I thought my father was very happy. How come? My younger brother got a good job two month ago...so my father didn't worry about his son's job anymore! My father facial expression made me happy....

I really appreciated my father. To be honest, he is my stepfather. Although he is not my birth father...he took care my mom , my sisters and me. How to describe he? He looks very strict...I remembered my mom told me that our neighbors were afraid of him. Ha...Ha... I rarely talk to him! We don't talk to each other...but I like him. He was a veteran so he do everything methodically... Such as he get up at five and goes to bed at nine every day! I admire him for his abiding habit. He didn't have a good education ...I was really surprised he could have rich knowledge. Maybe he is a strict person but he is responsible. I thought he was really happy on Father's Day this year...I gave a big red envelop to him...Happy Father's Day!!! Thank you vrey much....I love you!!!

Ummm...Yesterday was my husband's holiday! He was very happy because my sons and I bought shirts and a tie for him! He is a hardworker...and a good father,too! Although he is busy, he drive kids to school everyday. He always says whatever he is busy, he just wants to eat dinner with us. My friends don't believe that he is a good father... They think he is busy and fun-loving !! How can he improve his image? Ha....Ha...
I appreciated him! He seems like Superman who can do everything. Thank you!
By the way...we saw a great movie named "UP" yesterday...I envied that their sweet relationship from contented marriage to old age.

Finally, I want to say somthing about Typhoon Morakot. We got two days off due to Typhoon Morakot. When I was young I liked typhoon, because I didn't have to go to school on that day. But I don't really like typhoon now...it always cause mudflows and landslides so many people will be homeless and have great damage.
I pray for south Taiwan.

2009年8月3日 星期一

The reader

I saw a great movie named "The reader" (為愛朗讀)yesterday. It based on the best-selling novel. First off, let me start by saying I never read the book, or know it existed before seeing this movie.It is not about a love story, though there is a beautiful, sexy love story depicted in it. It is about the transformative power of art, in particular, in this case, literature. I saw the other movie "Revolutionary Road"(真愛旅程) that Kate Winslet palyed lately...But I love "The reader" more. What an amazing career for Kate Winslet...So, I am not surprised that she win the Academy Award best actress.

This story begin a teenage Michael gets off because he is feeling sick and wanders around the streets afterwards, finally pausing in the entryway of a nearby apartment building where he vomits. Hanna Schmitz, the tram conductor, comes in and assists him in returning home. The 36 year old Hanna seduces and begins an affair with the 15 year old boy. During their liaisons, at her apartment, he reads to her literary works he is studying. After a bicycling trip, Hanna learns she is being promoted to a clerical job at the tram company. She abruptly moves without leaving a trace. The adult Michael, a lawyer, at Heidelberg University law school in 1966. As part of a special seminar taught by Professor Rohl, a camp survivor, he observes a trial of several women who were accused of letting 300 Jewish women die in a burning church when they were SS guards on the death march following the 1944 evacuation of Auschwitz. Hanna is one of the defendants. Stunned, Michael visits a former camp himself. The trial divides the seminar, with one student angrily saying there is nothing to be learned from it other than that evil acts occurred and that the older generation of Germans should kill themselves for their failure to act then. But Michael is conflicted on what to do, if to speak out on Hannah's behalf on some of her innocence. Is that Hanna's want? Maybe she just wnats to keep her secret...she is a illiterate person!!!

So, if someone love you and he or she's twice your age... First, Do you accept? Second, Do you forgive him or her even if you are also deeply affected after breaking up with you. However, after several years these feelings still hurt you and suddenly discovered that he or she was an executioner, and you make her testimony against life imprisonment, are you, what to do? Another qutstion that I don't understand why Hanna kill herself? Maybe she think that Michael still loving her so that he sent tapes to her. Finally, she is very disappointed and hopeless. She know that it is too late and their love is over! I think Michael is a good man. He wants to help Hanna who become older and ugly!! Everyone know men who like young and sexy women...right? And someone say men's loyalty to women never wavered....That's right!!!
Whatever how old men are... they like sisters...正妹.辣妹. 學生妹.傳播妹.酒店妹.巨乳妹.無敵珊寶妹...........

Overall, watch this film for the effects of past-WWII on the people left behind, to appreciate the changing years and landscape of Germany and most of all to experience award-worthy Kate Winslet, David Kross & Ralph Fiennes acting skills. Umm...I tell about the WWII and I want to recommend another movie... Valkyrie(行動代號:華爾奇麗雅)!It's much better than I think and It's worth seening this movie.

I found a comment about this movie and I like it. I posted it below..

鐵達尼號的 Rose 終於一嘗宿願,以 The Reader 一片拿下今年的奧斯卡最佳女主角,不得不說凱特溫斯蕾挑劇本的用心。這部片的原著是第一本被歐普拉選書納入的外文小說,在德國以及世界都有廣大的讀者。作者是德國法官Bernhard Schlink徐林克,從一個法律系學生的角度旁聽納粹戰犯的審判的故事。

2009年8月1日 星期六

Bid Money...

Why I tell about this topic? Because I join the Bnak SinoPac's "MMA Bid Money Online Service"
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